My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 390 I abdicate!

Chapter 390 I abdicate!
Not only did he say extremely vulgar words like "a few" in front of noble and refined women like civil and military officials and saintesses, but he even gave up the throne.

Huang Yi was also stunned by Ye Chuchen's temper, and was speechless for a while.

What are you doing? !

She watched the new emperor's birth and growth. Under her long-term intimidation, his docile personality became a coward, and he would tremble when he saw her.I thought it would be easy to handle after becoming the emperor, but who knows that this temper is so big!
Whether it is the Azure Dragon Empire, the White Tiger Empire, the Suzaku Empire, or the Xuanwu Empire, the emperors of these four empires are all humans who are closest to the bloodlines of ancient gods and beasts.To summon the ancient beasts, it depends on the emperors of the four countries.And the saintesses assigned to the Four Kingdoms were to assist the emperors of the Four Kingdoms in cultivating spiritual power in order to summon the divine beasts as soon as possible.

And Ye Chuchen's bloodline has been the purest in the Azure Dragon Empire so far since birth, and the elders of the God Sect have high expectations for this.

Whether he went to the God Cult to complain about her, or he really gave up on being the emperor, once the elders and leader of the God Cult found out, wouldn't she have only a dead end?
"Your Majesty! What are you doing? It's clearly because you insulted me first, and I couldn't calm down when I got angry. Why did you deliberately make it difficult for me? The emperor has such a sacred position. , Is it because you say you can’t do it if you don’t do it? You are so willful, where will you put the people of the Qinglong Empire?”

Ye Chuchen paused and sneered: "Aren't you mistaken? It's obvious that I came a little late, and you just find fault in various ways. Are you ashamed to tell me that I scolded you first? If you didn't make trouble first, Am I the kind of person who wants to make trouble? Ah? Let me ask you, am I the kind of person who wants to make trouble? "

Don't you?

All the courtiers below were ashamed.

We can all see your desire to make trouble!
"This saint is just seeing that the courtiers have been waiting here for half an hour, so I can give them some advice. After all, urging the emperor's behavior and raising the emperor's cultivation is what I should do as a saint. thing."

Ye Chuchen looked down at the lowered ministers and asked, "Waiting for half an hour, are you wronged?"

Courtiers:  …

Everyone was silent, and no one dared to speak.

"Even though your majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Honor, this is the court after all. Shouldn't you have a minimum of respect when treating you as a minister?"

"I burnt paper for the late emperor and empress, so I came late, do you have any objections?"

"But today is your first morning court, Your Majesty. Even if you want to be filial, you can wait until evening."

"A day's plan lies in the morning, so why don't you change the morning court to the evening court?" Ye Chuchen asked back.

Crowd: ...

Can you still speak well?
"Okay, this position, I, no, it's me! I... I will give this position to you. Anyway, you are also good at martial arts and strong, and the task of summoning the dragon is also entrusted to you. Goodbye, goodbye connect."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuchen got up and left.

"Your Majesty, you can't leave!" Huang Yifei stopped Ye Chuchen.

Ye Chuchen followed Huang Yi's example and looked at her with his nose: "Either let me go and let me complain to you, or kill me now if you have the guts."

"Your Majesty, do you have to do this?" Huang Yi asked with a livid face.

(Looking for a ticket for roasted pork belly!!)
 Gai Lou [Give 300 Book Coins] activity is underway. Readers who want to participate in winning the prize can check the details of participation in the activity at the end of Chapter 140.

  As of the statistical time, this issue [General Comments] Congratulations to the 7th floor is full of floating clouds, the 17th floor is full of charm, the 27th floor is a little crazy mmm, the 67th floor is prosperous, Yuan Zixi on the 77th floor, Xiaokuoai on the 117th floor 5 reader.

  [Chapter Comment Area Winner List] 392 chapters are selected for awards in this issue.Congratulations to Qu Xiaotan on the 7th floor, Jian Yingming on the 17th floor, and light memory on the 27th floor.

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(End of this chapter)

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