My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 395 Little Tianer! ! !

Chapter 395 Little Tianer! ! !
Ye Chuchen yelled with consciousness——

"Little Tian'er, is that you?"

On the other side of the short wave, when Di Wushang heard Ye Chuchen's voice, a slight smile rose from the corner of his lips.

"Little Chen'er!" Ling Tian yelled.

"Little Tian'er!" Ye Chuchen yelled back in the same way.

Ling Tian turned around, looked at the expressionless Di Wushang and said excitedly: "I found my junior sister!"

Di Wushang raised his lips and said, "Really? Congratulations."

"Then how long can I talk to her?"

Seeing the little guy's eyes full of anticipation, Di Wushang responded: "It's up to you, you can say as long as you want, don't worry about me."

so good? !

"Then... can you hear us?" After all, she and Ye Chuchen would have a lot of little secrets to talk about.He resolutely didn't want Di Wushang to hear it.

"No!" Di Wushang opened his eyes and said nonsense without blinking.

that is really good!
Ling Tian was delighted, and gave Di Wushang a big smirk.

"Little Tian'er, I miss you so much!"

"Xiao Chen'er, I miss you too!"

"Little Tian'er, that bracelet is really cheating, it actually brought the three of us to this place where no shit!" Ye Chuchen howled from the other side.

"Pretend! Just pretend! Don't think I'm the only one who doesn't know anything about that day's mission. Tell me honestly, did you and Huahua know that we would cross over to this continent that day? Wearing a bracelet What the hell, it's all a trick you two set for me!"

After asking, there was a moment of silence on the other side, and then there was a dry laugh.

"How do you know? Master told you?"

Ling Tian unreservedly told about her life experience and the matter that her master wrote to her 20 years ago, and then also said that Di Wushang is her destined Phoenix.

When talking about Di Wushang, Ling Tian's tone was hard to hide.

"Wow wow wow! Have you found Phoenix? Wow - is that brother-in-law next to you now? You tell him, it's polite to meet! I want a big red envelope! Big red envelope! And my red envelope must be bigger than Huahua's Who told me to be the younger sister? The younger sister should be the most favored!

If you don't give me a big red envelope, I will give him a bad review!Remember, it's a bad review!Bad reviews are refundable!I also want to put caterpillars and itchy bugs in your quilts and long johns.

But if my brother-in-law gives me a big red envelope, you tell him, I have a masculine formula here, which can keep you from getting out of bed for five days and five nights!Wow Ka Ka Ka, let brother-in-law don't thank me.Xiao Tianer, you need to practice more waist strength during this time, so that you will be able to stand it by then! "

Di Wushang, who let Ling Tian sit on his lap, raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard "The Destined Phoenix", and then heard Ye Chuchen's next words, Di Wushang finally knew his little Tian'er's integrity Worrying cause.

But thinking about the five days and five nights of entanglement with his family's Xiao Tian'er, Di Wushang secretly looked forward to it.He immediately decided to treat this sister-in-law better!I want to give her a super big red envelope!

"Huh? Why didn't Huahua join in?" Ye Chuchen asked suddenly after talking a lot.

"This continent is too big, I haven't found her yet! I have roughly calculated this Hunyuan Continent. It covers an area of ​​900 billion square kilometers, which is 180 times the size of the earth."

"Damn it! You can still contact me in such a large area, it's amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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