My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 398 Do you want to eat a cream bar?

Chapter 398 Do you want to eat a cream bar?

"But even though your hands and feet can reach through, I'm still worried about her. You don't know, she is a super worry-free guy, a huge pit! I'm afraid that he will also trap the people who brought you to death."

Thinking about what his sister-in-law said, Di Wushang couldn't help but smile.

"Tell me, what kind of methods do your senior sisters have?"

"My senior sister, Huahua, has won the true biography of Master, and is proficient in Taoism. She is a very powerful Taoist and inscription pattern teacher."

Di Wushang raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.But thinking of the strength of Daoist Master Tongtian, he was relieved.

"Xiaochen is actually not an orphan, but was abandoned by the family. She has received the heir of the powerful family of medicine and poison, and can live to the death. The key point is that there is a Frankenstein by her side who once performed an operation on her and Huahua. , After the operation, they have a system similar to mine now, where points can be exchanged for things. Unlike me accumulating karma points, Xiaochen accumulates points through miracle doctor points. The more good people you save, the more poisonous you will be. The more villains, the more points. Huahua accumulates points through engraved Dao talismans and inscription patterns.

The space of the two of them is shared, that is to say, in addition to the items provided in the space, once Xiaochen's poison and good medicine are put into the space, Huahua can exchange them for use.As for the Dao talisman and inscription patterns inscribed by Huahua, Xiaochen can also use them once they are placed in the space.They can also exchange exercises and cheats in their space. These exercises and cheats were left to them by their master. They were too weak to exchange them in the past. Xiaochen told me just now that her space system has been upgraded. "

Di Wushang felt that he had seen enough people in two lifetimes, and there were all kinds of characters who defied the sky, but his family's little things and her senior sisters and senior sisters shocked him the most.

And all of this is attributed to his godfather's friend, the mysterious Daoist Tongtian!

"Is this good? Let's contact your senior sister first, and then we will review their situation and see where you go first, how about it?"

"Okay." Ling Tian nodded.

"Come on, let's continue to contact Hua Lixiao."

"No, no, no! Let's get back in touch in three days! You must be very tired if you let us talk for so long today." If it were her, she would be exhausted.

"No, just get in touch now."

"No, just three days later!" On this matter, Ling Tian felt that there was nothing to discuss.

"Di Wushang."


"Hey!" Ling Tian kissed him heavily, and said, "Thank you."

Originally thought that Di Wushang would be very happy, because she usually coaxed him to come like this.

But this time, Di Wushang curled his lips.

"that's it?"

"..." Ling Tian was depressed: "Then what else? Isn't that what happened just now?"

Di Wushang looked at Ling Tian and suddenly smiled shyly.

Looking at his shy smile, Ling Tian had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Little Tian, ​​do you want a cream bar?"

Thinking of the time when he misunderstood Di Wushang saying that he wanted to invite her to eat, Ling Tian couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips.

In the Taiqing Hall of the Qinglong Empire, Ye Chuchen looked at the ministers below with a dark face, and he was not good at all.

And the ministers below are also showing embarrassment at this moment, looking at their noses and noses, looking at their hearts, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Seeing the cheap looks of the group of people below, Ye Chuchen really wanted to kill them all with poison!
(End of this chapter)

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