Chapter 405

Zi Lingzun, that is the existence at the peak level in this continent!
The gap between Lingwang and Lingzun can no longer be described by the distance between heaven and earth.If someone wanted to kill her, it was no different from trampling an ant to death.

Fortunately, she does not focus on cultivating spiritual power, but focuses on cultivating spells.

With the help of physical and spiritual power, spells can achieve a qualitative increase.In the Xizhou Continent, which is rich in aura, she is [-]% sure that she can cultivate to the highest level the "Tiantian Spell" passed down to her by her master.

Now, because of the transmigration of her soul, the strength she now possesses in this body is at the level of the Orange Spirit King, which is equivalent to the third level in "The Magic of Heaven".

In her previous life, she could only engrave 3 dao talismans or inscription patterns per day, but now she can engrave 12 dao talismans or inscription patterns every day after transmigrating.

In order not to waste these life-saving things, she insisted on engraving Dao talismans and inscription patterns every day since she traveled through time. Now she has stored 700 Dao talismans and 380 inscription patterns in her space.

Dao talismans can save lives or kill people at critical times, while inscription patterns can be blessed on spiritual weapons, specially used to kill enemies by leapfrogging.

At this moment, Hua Lixiao was extremely grateful to Ye Chuchen. If it hadn't been for her persistence, she would not have made up her mind to become that Frankenstein's guinea pig and let him create a space system that could be shared with Ye Chuchen. .

Now that there is a system, she can use these Taoist talismans and inscription patterns to exchange for the exercises and secret books prepared by Master Tongtian.

With these things, she will become stronger sooner or later.

There was no one in the room, Hua Lixiao thought about it, and a Taoist talisman with a faint halo reappeared.

This is a healing talisman.

After sticking the Dao Talisman on the broken left hand, the heart-piercing pain disappeared instantly. Although the hand was still swollen, the bone was healed.

In this way, after the man with a tendency to domestic violence sees it, he won't crush her in a fit of anger because her hand is healed, or kill her directly.

An hour passed, and Gu Qianchou did not come back.Hua Lixiao knew that he must be entertaining guests in the front hall.

Tired all day, she didn't eat anything all day.

Seeing the red apples on the table, Hua Lixiao picked them up and stuffed them into her mouth almost without thinking.

With a click, accompanied by a crisp sound, the sweet apple juice diffused between the lips and teeth, instantly opening Hua Lixiao's taste buds.

He was enjoying the satisfaction brought by the apple, but after two or three mouthfuls, Hua Lixiao's hand stopped, and his entire expression changed immediately.


And he is highly poisonous!

Fortunately, thinking that his future was worrisome, he exchanged the Dao Talisman from the empty system in advance for Ye Chuchen's self-made detoxification pill.

So almost at the moment when he felt something was wrong, Hua Lixiao had already thrown the antidote pill into his mouth.

Hua Liming fell to the ground, feeling the sourness from life to death, and from death to life.

After the time for a cup of tea passed, Hua Lixiao's poison was finally cured by Ye Chuchen's antidote.

Little Junior Sister's reputation as a miracle doctor is really not something to brag about!Wherever you go, you can run wildly.

Standing up, he poked every fruit on the table, and then poked in the teapot.

After that, Hua Lixiao felt that she was not well.

I have never seen a groom who was so frenzied that he poisoned all the fruits and tea in the new house.

(Welcome to the official debut of Miss Hua! Ling Tian is a professional production genius who can play the role of a girl, act as a queen, play small and fresh, and swallow heavy tastes. Hua Lixiao is a big, cold and arrogant big sister, and Ye Chuchen is a big girl. The three views are ruined and no morals, three girls with different personalities, there is always one you love! Which one do you guys like more? Please ask for a ticket!!)
(End of this chapter)

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