My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 407 Who is so cruel?

Chapter 407 Who is so cruel?
"Mom, my hand must be disabled, I can't move anymore, wow, it hurts! Daddy, daddy... Woooo... I want daddy!"

"Come on, my mother will show you."

The woman checked the child's injuries, and asked in shock, "Rui'er, why did you suffer internal injuries? How did you dislocate your arm? Who is so cruel that even a five-year-old child would not let go?" ?”

Facing the woman's question, Na Rui'er didn't answer at all, but cried loudly: "Woooo, I want Daddy, Mother, I want Daddy!"

"Rui'er, today is your father's big day, so stop making trouble. Come and go with mother."

"I don't! Woohoo...I want daddy! My daddy! Mother, Ruier wants daddy!"

Hua Lixiao sneered in her heart.

So is it really in ancient times?Even if this planet is a place full of masters like shit, there are still people who use the drama that has been outdated for hundreds of years to perform bitter dramas.

At this moment, she is the only one standing next to this brat, and the window behind her is still broken. If this woman really loves her child so much, she should rush over without saying a word and fight her desperately.

But what about her?

At this moment, she hugged the child and cried loudly, crying and complaining that the person who hurt her son was so cruel that even the five-year-old child would not be spared.

Then, the adults were crying, the children were crying, and the maids on the side were also crying.

This woman has almost no strength, she is only a junior spiritual master, and it seems that she will definitely not have the possibility of being promoted to the spirit king.

However, the talent of the children around her is much better than her, and they have already reached the level of a fifth-level healer at the age of five.

Everyone was crying and howling, but no one noticed that a Dao talisman that was invisible to the naked eye had already been driven by Hua Lixiao's mana, and flew to the brat named Rui'er, but the white stripe kept floating in the air, and there was no sign of it. It fell on Ruier.

Until there was a sound from the front hall, a man wearing a bright red groom's robe, with resolute and handsome features, and a tall and straight figure strode towards this direction, and her cheap and disgusting father, Hua Hua, was at his side. Only at dawn did he paste the Dao talisman floating beside Na Rui'er on it.

Another healing talisman was used!

His son was seriously injured, and Gu Qianchou was not flying, but walking. It seems that this person didn't care much about his son.

Maybe he and that woman co-designed it, trying to frame her.

But as soon as this idea came to mind, it was rejected by Hua Lixiao.

After all, if this man really wants to kill her, he really doesn't need too many excuses, it all depends on his preference.

Because even if she died, Emperor Xizhou would not do anything to him if he made any excuses.

Therefore, Hua Lixiao is sure that it must be Ruier's mother who framed her.

Taking advantage of this man's dissatisfaction with this marriage, he hit her in an attempt to kill this marriage in its infancy.

Hua Lixiao took a look at the woman who had been pitiful since Gu Qianchou's aura appeared, and didn't even dare to make a sound, and could only cry secretly, and directly labeled her a white lotus.

When Hua Liming was looking at Gu Qianchou, Gu Qianchou was also looking at Hua Liming at the same time.

It is rumored that Hua Lixiao is the most beautiful daughter of Hua's parents. Although her qualifications are mediocre, as a daughter who is going to marry out, she was highly valued by Hua Yukun before.

(End of this chapter)

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