My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 413 Let her be safe for the first time

Chapter 413 Let Her Be Safe Forever

"A mere concubine, there is no difference between my Hua family and servants. How dare you frame your own mother? According to you, if you don't like your father marrying a wife, you will frame him. Is that because your father had a wife back then?" When it was time, you also blamed your former mother because you couldn't get used to it, so you let her be wronged to death?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Huangfu Gongchen again, cupped his fists and said, "Dijun, you have to make the decision for Xiao'er!"

The beauty of Hua Lixiao's iceberg has left a fiery imprint in Huangfu Gongchen's heart.

At this moment, he regretted that when Hua Yukun said that he would send Hua Lixiao to the palace to be his imperial concubine, he actually gave Hua Lixiao to Gu Qianchou without even looking at it.

Now watching this farce, I have a feeling that my woman has been bullied outside, and I have an extremely urge to complain for the beauty.

"Qianqiu, although I regard you as a brother, Prime Minister Hua is also a first-rank minister of our Xizhou after all, and Xiaomei is the imperial concubine's sister-in-law and my sister-in-law. After watching this farce today, I also feel that your family It's a bit smoky in here.

A mere aunt with no identity and extremely humble status, who actually tried to frame the mistress of the house because of jealousy, this kind of crime should not be taken lightly.Why not just follow Prime Minister Hua's words!Just an insignificant concubine and a dispensable bastard. "

After Huangfu Gongchen's words fell, Rui'er's mother seemed to have lost her soul, her face turned pale with fright, and she regretted her impulsive actions today.

Hua Lixiao and the brainless Hua Furui who married in before are completely two different people!And she, before finding out Hua Lixiao's reality, attacked her in front of everyone.

"Daddy, please save mother. It's all my fault today, and my son is willing...willing to serve in the army."

Although Rui'er's body was trembling with fright, from the beginning until now, he has been helping his mother to excuse himself and taking the blame on himself.

Gu Qianchou was silent for a moment, gently took off his robe, knelt down and clasped his fists and said, "Dijun, this concubine of the last general's family is not from a maidservant, but the last general's savior.

The last general once promised her that as long as the last general is here, she can be safe for the rest of her life.Today's matter is that the general has no way to teach his son, and the dog will have an unshirkable responsibility for doing such a thing.

I implore the emperor to spare their mother and son because today is the day of great joy for the last general.If the emperor really wants to deal with them, then please also deal with the last general! "

"Husband!" Rui'er's mother looked at Gu Qianchou excitedly with tears in her eyes.

This man is her God, her everything.She thought he would despise the children she had with her ex-husband, but she didn't expect that at this critical moment, he was willing to protect them with his own life.

Does this mean that her position in his heart is actually more important than she imagined?

At this moment, Rui'er's mother had the feeling that someone would support her when the sky fell.

With this man's protection, she believed that Emperor Xizhou would not execute her!
Seeing that Gu Qianchou has such a good relationship with this concubine, Huangfu Gongchen is also in an inexplicably good mood.Because this means that Gu Qianchou may not touch Hua Liming, and Hua Liming will not be happy in the Marshal's Mansion.

He could arrange other things like eyeliner, but Hua Lixiao, he really regretted it.

(Looking for tickets for stir-fried white lotus flavor!!)

(End of this chapter)

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