Chapter 416 Locusts!

"However, he was notoriously at odds with Prime Minister Hua in the court. His previous wife was Hua Yukun's legitimate daughter, but she was killed by Gu Qianchou within three months after marrying into the Marshal's Mansion."

"Why?" Ling Tian felt that it was simple: "If you don't like him, you can take a break!"

"He said that the other party had an affair with the guards of the Marshal's Mansion." Di Wushang smiled and said, "Daughter of Huafu, what kind of noble man has never seen, even if no man loves, would be stupid enough to have an affair with the guards?"

"Then you still say that he is nice, kind, and responsible? Di Wushang, which country are you from?"

"Of course it belongs to your country, Xiaotian! The reason why I gave him such an evaluation is because Dongzhou once suffered a disaster. After that disaster, some heroes' families were treated unfairly.

Earlier I heard that there was a benevolent person helping them, out of curiosity, I asked people to investigate thoroughly, and this person who helped them was Gu Qianchou.

As for him being responsible, it was because he had only one concubine in the mansion from the beginning to the end.It is said that many people introduced him to women with excellent conditions, but he used this concubine as an excuse to shirk.So it is estimated that he and this concubine are true love.I heard they also have a son. "

"Huh??? He not only has a woman but also a son?!" Ling Tian was in a bad mood.

"Of course, if others want to introduce other women to me, I will never marry them. In my life, you are the only woman, Xiaotian, and you will be my wife, not Xiaotian. Concubine. So if you want to ask him if he is good for me, my answer is, definitely not!"

In order to highlight his goodness, Di Wushang unscrupulously stepped on Gu Qianchou's head, making himself look good.

"Gu Qianchou has a wife and children, and even killed a daughter of the Hua family's prostitute, so Hua Yukun's brain is broken, why should he marry Huahua from my family? Tiger poison does not eat children, Hua Yukun What is the difference between doing this and directly killing Huahua?"

Di Wushang sneered: "Then Hua Yukun is not a good person! He is a strong man at the peak of the Blue Spirit Emperor, and he is over 1000 years old now. He is extremely lecherous, and there are thousands of women in the mansion. These women gave him more than 1000 offspring, and for thousands of years, these offspring have continued to reproduce, so regardless of the respect of the prime minister Hua Yukun, after thousands of years of reproduction, his family has 10,000+ if there are not several million people. People, it can be regarded as a super family."

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
"Look at those emperors in the outer land who only lived for a hundred years. They gave birth to so few sons and could earn their living. They have no family affection at all. It is conceivable that a super family like the Hua family can have family affection. at all?"

Nima!To scold Hua Yukun's stallion is to insult other stallions!

What's the difference between this and a locust?

Ling Tian felt that he could not accept the chaotic relationships between characters and families in this world.

"Then what should I do? No matter how long your hand is, you can still reach Xizhou? Can you still reach Gu Qianchou? Can you still order Hua Yukun?"

Although I know that Di Wushang is very powerful and powerful, but he is also Zi Lingzun, Emperor Xizhou, Hua Yukun, Gu Qianchou... this seems to be beyond the scope of Di Wushang's ability, right?

Di Wushang smiled mysteriously, stroked Ling Tian's soft hair and said, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

(End of this chapter)

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