My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 419 Are you leaving?

Chapter 419 Are you leaving?
After entering the room, Ling Tian told the story of what had happened in the past month, which made Ling Jian sweat a lot for her.

"Since the eldest lady is going to the Azure Dragon Empire to look for Miss Ye, then go. But in the imperial kingdom, the peak of the Orange Spirit King is the strongest man in the sky, but in the empire, there is the existence of the peak of the Huang Lingsheng. Although the eldest lady now has Aunt... Young Master Di, but you must also pay attention to safety!"


Ling Tian was taken aback, and asked, "Uncle Ling, are you not with me?"

"Miss, when you were kidnapped and the subordinate was unable to save you, the subordinate had already made up his mind. The subordinate did not allow you to be with the emperor before, because the subordinate was narrow-minded.

This time you disappeared, Young Master Di used almost all channels to quickly find the lair of the black-robed man who kidnapped you, destroy them, and rescue you immediately.

At that time, I made an agreement with Young Master Di, as long as Young Master Di can find you, Uncle Ling will... allow him to associate with you. "

Actually allowed? !
Ling Tian was surprised!
"However, even if you allow me to be with Di Wushang, you can still be with us! Di Wushang doesn't care about you following us, does he?"


Although Di Wushang nodded without any pressure, Ling Jian looked constipated.If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to lie to Miss.

"Miss, my subordinates are very relieved to be able to hand you over to the Emperor. The Emperor is very powerful in martial arts and powerful, and the eldest lady will definitely not suffer from following him.

You will definitely stay in the Azure Dragon Empire for a long time, and the subordinates believe that your strength will definitely be improved there.

To tell you the truth, my lady, in fact, 20 years ago, my subordinate's wife was pregnant. After placing her in a safe place, my subordinate took her to the outskirts.

I haven't seen you for 20 years now, and I don't know if my wife and children are okay.Now that the emperor is protecting the young lady, the subordinates feel more at ease than the subordinates protecting the young lady.

Therefore, the subordinate wants to beg the lady to let the subordinate go to find his wife and children who have been separated for 20 years.When they are found, the subordinates will definitely go to the Azure Dragon Empire to look for the lady as soon as possible. "

Looking at Ling Jian, Ling Tian felt infinite gratitude in his heart.

What kind of loyalty does Ling Jian need to live with his own body for 20 years, leaving behind his pregnant wife and soon-to-be-born child when his family is already ruined?

"Uncle Ling!"

Ling Tian's eyes turned red, as if his heart was blocked by something, he immediately threw himself into Ling Jian's arms.

"Uncle Ling, I'm sorry!"

Ling Jian hugged Ling Tian. If this high-ranking princess was in the past, where would it be his turn to love her?
Through this period of getting along, he really cherished Ling Tian as his own daughter.

Feeling Ling Tian's reluctance for him, Ling Jian was also extremely reluctant.

Patting Ling Tian on the back, Ling Jian's eyes were also red.

"Miss Silly, why do you have to say sorry to your subordinates? Do you know how honored you are to be able to protect the young lady and preserve the last bit of blood of the Ling family for the Lord and Madam?"

When Ling Tian heard this, he simply burst into tears.

"But Uncle Ling has been separated from his wife and children for 20 years because of me. What if you can't find them?"

Ling Jian coaxed like an elder: "Miss who doesn't know how, I'm destined to meet you from thousands of miles away."

(End of this chapter)

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