Chapter 421

Originally, Feilong and Feiyu could take the flying boat with them. After all, the flying boat had three rooms and a living room, but Di Wushang refused to let them go.

In the end, she and Di Wushang were the only ones to ride in one airship, while Feilong and Feiyu were alone in one.


Looking at the "small flying boat" behind them that was more than a star and a half bigger than them, and could carry more than 30 people, Ling Tian felt very messy!
"Before I asked you to borrow the winged eagle when I didn't have a flying boat. Didn't you say that the only means of transportation for you is the winged eagle? In order to borrow you a winged eagle, I have to bring both you and Xiao Qi. Why now A flying boat suddenly appeared?"

Ling Tian glared fiercely at Di Wushang, this cheeky black-bellied ghost!
However, Di Wushang was extremely calm, and asked back with a look of naturalness: "At that time, could you like me as much as you do now? Can we two be so gluey?"

=_=! !
Seeing Di Wushang's arrogant look with his tail almost up to the sky, Ling Tian was extremely speechless.By the way, are phoenixes such arrogant species?
"That flying boat can hold 30 people, and the environment inside is also very good. If you want to let Feilong and Feiyu take our boat, we can also take that big one!"

Shame on waste!

A flying boat needs so many spirit stones, Ling Tian really feels distressed.

"This ship is left by our father, why do we need to take another flying boat?" Di Wushang expressed his puzzlement.

Our father...

=_=! ! !

Ling Tian lost to him, so he didn't want to say anything.

The final result was that of the four of them, two of them took a super luxurious mini airship, and Feilong Feiyu took a luxurious small airship that could accommodate 30 people.Four people, two flying boats, used the number of spirit stones that others might not be able to earn in a lifetime, and just set off amidst the people of the imperial kingdom staring out their eyes.

The place where they are located is the outskirts of the Dongzhou Continent - under the Hongyun Dynasty - under the Glory Empire - the Tiancheng Empire.

The place he is going to is the outskirts of the Beizhou Continent - under the command of the Divine Beast Dynasty - the Qinglong Empire.

In order not to attract the attention of interested people in Dongzhou and Beizhou, their airships will travel along the outermost route from east to north.

After the flying boat stabilized, Di Wushang came outside from the cockpit.

"Huh? You don't operate the flying boat, aren't you afraid it will fall?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was originally practicing in the living room, opened his eyes when he heard the sound, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Automatic flight time. When it's time to change direction, I know."

Sweat da da!
It can even fly automatically!

To be honest, the shape and luxury of this flying boat are far better than private jets.Coupled with good performance, Ling Tian felt that if the humans in this continent did not pay attention to cultivation, otherwise this technology would really not know what it would be like.

Seeing Di Wushang came to the middle room of the adoptive son her parents took in, and looked inside, Ling Tian introduced:

"This is my brother's room. I heard from Uncle Ling that my father still has a adopted son, so he built this mini airship to take my mother, me, and my brother to various parts of the world. travel."

Facing Ling Tian's explanation, Di Wushang just smiled slightly.

Looking at the design in the room, where Ling Tian couldn't see, the cool-toned silver-gray pupils now glowed with a soft light that is hard to express in words.

He knew too well about this flying boat.

This room was designed and furnished by himself.

(Looking for durian ice cream flavor tickets! Zhang pushed a good sister's article. My name Xuanji's new article by the fantasy god: "The Ultimate Crazy Concubine: The Concubine Doctor and the Supreme Miss")
(End of this chapter)

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