My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 424 Asking for Care and Love

Chapter 424 Asking for Care and Love

Seeing the man in front of him turn into a cute look in an instant in order to ask for care and love, Ling Tian was teased so much that he wanted to, but he said viciously: "You are not allowed to step into the kitchen again in the future! "

"But... I want to cook a delicious meal for you."

"Eating is as important as eating hands?"

The corners of Di Wushang's lips raised a very nice curve, and he asked sweetly: "Little Tian'er, do you feel distressed?"

"How could it be possible not to feel distressed? Such a beautiful pair of hands have turned into pig's trotters!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian pulled Di Wushang to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Carefully put another layer of ointment on him.

By the time the ointment was applied, the effect of the elixir had already come out, and all the wounds on his hands had completely healed, leaving a pair of red hands full of new flesh.

"Just sit here and don't move or touch your hands. I'll cook for you."

"No, it's dangerous!"

Di Wushang has already tried how dangerous the kitchen is, especially after the pressure cooker exploded. Di Wushang has already listed the kitchen as a dangerous area. When he heard that Ling Tian was going, he hugged her waist and died. Do not let go.

Ling Tian patted Di Wushang's head, and comforted him: "Don't worry, when we were on Earth, my seniors and sisters and I would cook together when we had nothing to do. The three of us cook delicious food!"

"That's not allowed! It's so dangerous!"

"Dangerous things are called pressure cookers, and they are things on Earth. You use the wrong method, and it will explode. And that thing has been blown up by you, and there will be no other dangerous things. Don't worry!"

"Then I will accompany you!"

"All right!"

Knowing that this was Di Wushang's bottom line, Ling Tian did not refuse again.

After entering the kitchen, Ling Tian inscribed the simplest cleaning talisman, making the kitchen clean quickly.

Then open the space ring with the food basket written on it. Although the vegetables, fruits and meat here have been put in 20 years ago, because there is no time flow in the space, the things put in are still fresh. of.

Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang and asked, "You like beef, right?"

Di Wushang looked at Ling Tian with a smile: "As long as it is made by Xiao Tian'er, I like to eat anything!"

"Then let me make you a steak! This is our earth meal, and it tastes pretty good."

"Okay." Di Wushang didn't do any research on these things at all. To him, he liked all the food made by Xiao Tian'er.

After making the decision, Ling Tian started to act.

The speed was so fast, the strength was so precise, and even the skill of carving flowers on the vegetables made Di Wushang go from being surprised to being stunned.

He also peeled tomatoes just now, but...

Looking up at the top of the locker, he felt that Xiaotian'er's cleaning talisman was quite useful.


The fresh and tender steak was placed in the frying pan, and there was a light sound on the skewer, and the ingredients instantly exuded a burst of original aroma.

The steak is on the pot here, and Ling Tian is not idle on the other side.Take out the grill that has already been prepared and the chicken wings that have been skewered and seasoned well, then put your hands under the chicken wings, master the heat, and start grilling slowly.

One side of the steak has been fried, Ling Tian turned it over to the other side with his left hand, but the hand that grilled the chicken wings with his right hand didn't stop.

Soon after Di Wushang smelled the fragrance, he couldn't help swallowing.

(End of this chapter)

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