My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 429 Eat Your Sister!

Chapter 429 Eat Your Sister!

"What do you say you have that I haven't seen? We are the closest people in this world. I will accompany you whatever you want to play, so you don't have to be embarrassed. I like that game too! "

It's fine if Di Wushang didn't explain, but when he explained, Ling Tian immediately exploded.From under the quilt, she threw herself on him again, grabbed his neck and yelled while shaking:
"Can you speak more clearly next time? Clearly? Clearly?"

Seeing Ling Tian whose face was redder than an eggplant, Di Wushang couldn't help laughing again.

Ling Tian looked at him angrily. To be honest, it was the first time she saw Di Wushang laugh like this.

Through this period of contact, although she didn't know his identity, she could feel that he was a person who lived a very repressed life.

So although depressed and shy, the other party's laughter gradually washed away her anger from embarrassment.

"Little Tian'er, I want to have dinner. For today's dinner, I want to eat eggplant." Because he saw her chubby face just now, he couldn't help but want to eat eggplant.

eat your sister!
Ling Tian glared at Di Wushang viciously, and decided not to bother him.

"Little Tianer?" Di Wushang called out.

"..." Ling Tian ignored it.

"Little Tianer!"

The embarrassing Ling Tian still ignored him.

Seeing that she was really ashamed to see him, Di Wushang stopped calling her.He just lay silently beside her and accompanied her.

After a while, Di Wushang reached out to take her body into his arms, but was rejected by Ling Tian with a wave of his hand.

After a while, Di Wushang stretched out his hand again, and hugged her together with the cup into his arms.

Looking at the baby in his arms who was blushing and wanted someone to bite, Di Wushang's peach blossom eyes were full of doting tenderness.

He didn't do anything, just hugged her like this, and didn't speak.Use your own actions to tell her that even if she makes a big embarrassment, it doesn't matter.

Because they are already one.

After hearing Di Wushang's stomach growl again, Ling Tian finally couldn't help it.

He kicked the quilt away three times, five times and two times, then without a word, he got up from Di Wushang's arms angrily, and walked out.

After a while, Di Wushang heard the sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and the corners of Di Wushang's lips smiled uncontrollably.

In the evening, Ling Tian made a barbecue for Di Wushang.

Because seeing him eating grilled wings at noon was so delicious, she simply baked everything in the form of barbecue at night.

Di Wushang had never seen eggplant eaten like this.

Cut a large eggplant and spread it into a sheet. Not only are there various seasonings on it, but also a few small red peppers.

Before Di Wushang wanted to eat, Ling Tian helped him lightly spread millet pepper on each piece of eggplant meat for him to eat.

However, Di Wushang couldn't hold back the saliva that flowed into his mouth, and he ate the eggplant in one bite.

Di Wushang's eyes widened after eating and chewing in his mouth.


Mrs.. so delicious!
Ling Tian didn't eat anything at noon, so she doubled the portion on purpose at night, thinking that she could eat more.

But who can tell her why Di Wushang looks noble and fast when he eats?
It was astonishingly fast!
Nima, he didn't have enough to eat yet, so he cleaned up the whole table.

(End of this chapter)

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