Chapter 438

"The Great Emperor Dongzhou had a very good reputation back then, and he had many friends at the spirit level around him, so the high-level officials of the Tianwu Sect guessed that this secret treasure should be set up for the Great Emperor Dongzhou."

"Since you know it was set up for Emperor Dongzhou, you still rob the tomb? Have your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

"Yes yes yes yes! Our conscience has been eaten by dogs! We are not as good as pigs and dogs! We are wolf-hearted! Girl, you promised to spare my life, I... can I leave now?"

"Hehe." Ling Tian sneered: "Don't you understand that women like to contradict their promises the most?"

Wu Yue stared: " can't go back on your word! You promised promised to spare my life!"

"Why? Who are you? Why do I do what I promised you? You're not stupid! You humiliate my fiancé, and you want to kill me and torture my fiancé for 100 years. Why? Do I want to spare you? Should I let you go because you are stupid? "

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian swung his sword to attack Wu Yue.

Wu Yue was already mentally prepared because of Ling Tian's words.Seeing that Di Wushang didn't make a move, he came up with an escape plan in his heart.

Ling Tian is only at the second level of the Scarlet Spirit King. If this spiritual master is very concerned about his fiancée, as long as she captures Ling Tian and threatens her with death, maybe she can escape? !

So when Ling Tian decided not to let her go, Wu Yue had already made preparations immediately.

When Ling Tianfei stepped forward, ready to cut off Wu Yue's tongue and then kill her, so that she would be reincarnated as a dumb person in the next life, Wu Yue moved.

She slashed at Ling Tian with lightning speed, and at the same time, the silver needle in her sleeve flew towards Ling Tian.

She uses hidden weapons, and the needles in her sleeves are her weapons.

Ling Tian was so close to her, the tiny silver needles were accompanied by powerful spiritual power, even if Ling Tian couldn't be killed all at once, it would definitely be able to seriously injure her.

Seeing this, Di Wushang didn't make a move.

Because he was fully sure that he could block this round of attack at the moment before the silver needle pierced Ling Tian's clothes and sank into her skin.

But how strong Lingzun is, Wu Yue has never seen it before.Therefore, in Wu Yue's eyes, Di Wushang's inaction meant that it was too late for him to stop it.

Wu Yue's eyes were bright, and at the same time as she fired the hidden weapon, she stretched out her hand towards Ling Tian, ​​trying to grab her who was seriously injured and bring her to her side.


Spirit Dragon Art!

Ling Tian, ​​who was about to be hit by a hidden weapon, suddenly bent quickly at an inconceivable angle, like a nimble little dragon, facing the overwhelming hidden weapons, he moved quickly with a delicate posture, sideways to avoid Wu Yue s attack.


The two needles were countless times thinner than silver needles, and they were colorless and transparent, and they sank into Wu Yue's head from the moment they shot out.

Wu Yue froze, the soul attack of the second-level spirit king was not fatal to her, the eighth-level spirit king, but it could make her feel dizzy for a while.

At the moment of dizziness, although Wu Yue was able to clearly realize what happened outside, her reaction speed was more than a beat slower.

"Swipe brush-"

Ling Tian used the Spirit Dragon Art again, and the weird sword energy was like a flying dragon rushing into the sea. Not only did it turn, but it also flew into Wu Yue's mouth with a 360-degree rapid rotation.


A huge pain came, and Wu Yue was directly sent flying by the sword energy that was about to turn.

(Ask for popcorn flavor tickets! There will be building activities in these two days, everyone come to join in the luck!)
 Come on, build a building game!It is not allowed to build more than 2 floors repeatedly, otherwise it will be invalid!

(End of this chapter)

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