My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 458 Design Emperor Wushang

Chapter 458 Design Emperor Wushang

"Besides, my subordinate has observed that he is only a mere second-level spiritual master, but my subordinate is a real fourth-level spiritual master!"

"I'm not afraid of an Emperor Wushang. But I'm afraid that the Feilong and Feiyu beside him are also hiding their strength. If those two are not the Lan Linghuang, but also the Lingzun, our going here must be a disaster. "

"It turns out that the Lord is worried about this matter." Shangguan Fu said with a smile: "Then the Lord doesn't need to worry."


"Not to mention that the inheritance can only be one-on-one, even Feilong and Feiyu are also Lingzun, but they are definitely not with King Jin now."

"Yes, my lord. A few days ago, my subordinates and Shangguan saw a flying boat flying from the Eastern Qin Dynasty towards the Central Continent. We tried to intercept it, but there were flying dragons and flying feathers in the flying boat. They said they were going to the Han Dynasty. work."

Di Wuhen's eyes brightened, and he stood up happily from his chair.

He believed that his two subordinates would not lie to him.


With no hidden dangers, Di Wuhen changed his frown just now and laughed happily.

"It seems that my seventeenth brother, relying on his status as a spiritual master, is a little bit slack about his own safety.

Let's go and meet King Jin with me.I really want to see what kind of expression the seventeenth brother will have when he sees the king. "


"As long as Emperor Wushang can be captured alive, the two of you have made great contributions. This king will ask my father for two Xuanzun fruits to help you two pass the level."

Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu's eyes lit up, they clasped their fists excitedly and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

One of them is stuck in the middle level of the fourth-level spiritual master, and the other is stuck in the peak of the third-level spiritual master. It has been more than 300 years, and they have not been able to break through to the next level.Once there is the Xuanzun fruit that specially improves the spiritual power of the Lingzun, maybe it will break through in one fell swoop.

Di Wushang and Ling Tian who were far away in the desert empire had no idea that danger was approaching them.

At this moment, Di Wushang had been with Ling Tian in the Desert Empire for half a month.

Originally, Heitan was not around, so Di Wushang was about to leave, and he would come to take Heitan's life later.

But the Tianji Pavilion of the Desert Empire found out Hei Tan's whereabouts in time.Before leaving, Heitan specifically told his subordinates that he would be able to return to the palace within ten or fifteen days at least, so under Ling Tian's persuasion, Di Wushang stayed.

At that time, the empress and emperor of Dongzhou both died, and the branches of the Ling family and the Bai family suffered heavy casualties under the betrayal of some traitors, and even many strongholds of power were uprooted and wiped out one by one by these traitors with their enemies.

So in the past 20 years, in addition to developing and strengthening his own power and preserving the blood of the Ling family and the Bai family, Di Wushang has also spared no effort to eradicate these traitors.The strength of the wrist has caused a lot of panic and commotion in all continents.

In order to wait for Heitan to return to the palace, Di Wushang and Ling Tian found the best inn in the imperial city to stay.

For half a month, Ling Tian practiced diligently and non-stop, while Di Wushang endured the desire to eat and eat her, and stayed by Ling Tian's side all the time. He didn't bother her, and just watched it tirelessly. Her 15 days.


With the opening of another node, Ling Tian's strength has reached the third level of alchemy stage with the help of purple spirit stone and Tongtian jade.

Opening her eyes, a magnified handsome face appeared in front of her.The cool-toned silver-gray eyes are full of tenderness at the moment, coupled with the razor-sharp, shockingly beautiful face, Ling Tian is dizzy and dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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