My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 460 Emperor Wushang, You Liar

Chapter 460 Emperor Wushang, You Liar
Now that Feilong and Feiyu are not here, only Di Wushang is alone, how will he deal with these two Spiritual Venerables?
"Hehe, Brother Seventeen, do you feel pleasantly surprised to see Brother here?"

The man in front of him who had a three-point resemblance to Di Wushang suddenly spoke awkwardly.Clearly full of murderous intent, but smiling.

Di Wushang hugged Ling Tian tightly, stared at him, raised a wicked smile that didn't belong to this plain face at the moment, and praised:
"Brother Thirteen's nose is really sensitive! It's his honor to have a dog like you beside Brother Thirteen. It's a pity that he doesn't understand your kindness, doesn't cherish you, and even suspects you. As a loyal dog, Brother Thirteen Is it because you are depressed that you left Central Continent, and came to the desert empire to restore your mood?"

Di Wuhen was not angry either, he laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, my seventeenth brother, who usually talks miserly, can be so eloquent! Say a few more words, because it won't be long before your identity as the 'behind the scenes' will be exposed.

Guess, will our cold-blooded and ruthless father torture you to death in public, or imprison you forever, torture you forever, until you grow old? "

Di Wushang asked with a smile: "I can guess, won't that old fellow know about this?"

"Hahahaha..." Di Wuhen laughed loudly: "So do you think you can escape today? Or, do you think this king didn't make follow-up preparations before he came to arrest you?"

Di Wushang smiled unabated, and said, "I guess, I have both."

Seeing that Di Wuhen's smile faded, Di Wushang's smile became even worse.

"How about it, Thirteenth Brother, I still know you very well, right? You don't want to tell Di Wudao about this, because you are afraid that Di Wudao will hand over this matter to Di Wudi. King Wu's limelight is yours. Above, so you are afraid that it will steal your limelight and let this big deal fly away, so you would rather take the risk and do it alone."

After Di Wuhen's smile had completely disappeared, Di Wushang's sinister smile became even worse.

"So now Brother Shisan came here with only Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu by his side. Are you looking down on me, or yourself? Brother Thirteen, this is not like your style! It can't be Bewitched by the two Spiritual Venerables beside you?"

"Hmph, King Jin, you don't have to scare His Royal Highness King Yu, but the strength of a mere second-level spiritual master, what qualifications do you have to comment on this old man and Shangguan?
At the very least, one of us is a third-level peak spiritual master, and the other is a fourth-level spiritual master.And you are just lucky enough to accept a certain kind of inheritance.

Don't you think that the strength passed down by relying on the method of pulling seedlings to encourage growth can be stronger than our actual strength, which has been cultivated step by step?Even powerful enough to let you leapfrog to kill people? "

Di Wushang raised his eyebrows, and said angrily, "This king has no way to leapfrog the challenge, but... who told you that this king is only a mere second-level spirit?"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the expressions of the people headed by Di Wuhen changed drastically.

" hid your strength when you destroyed Tianwuzong?"

Di Wushang raised his eyebrows: "So Brother Thirteen, do you think Tianwuzong is a very powerful sect? To destroy a mere Tianwuzong, this king has to use all his strength to strike?"

(End of this chapter)

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