My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 463 Little Tianer, Go Quickly

Chapter 463 Little Tianer, Go Quickly

But the voice was a little hurried, and after seeing his strength, Ling Tian, ​​who was about to leave with peace of mind, couldn't help but glance at Di Wuhen with his yin and yang eyes before breaking the exchanged magic amulet. shade lamp.

At this moment, Di Wuhen's yin lamp is in full swing, and the personal information under the yin lamp shows that he has countless years left in the future.

With just a short glance, Ling Tian felt his heart was frozen.

Why did Di Wuhen still have countless years to live?

She couldn't see Di Wushang's yin lamp, so she couldn't help him calculate his luck.But if one of the two parties must die today, shouldn't the one who died be Di Wuhen?

However, the information of Yindeng is everyone's fortune and horoscope, which is predestined by God long ago, so it will not lie!Unless there is an external force to break it forcibly.

But now that Di Wushang's external force had arrived, Di Wuhen's lamp still showed that he still had an almost endless time to live!

Then it is not difficult to guess the result afterwards, that is... Di Wushang will die!

Di Wushang lied to her just now!

In fact, facing two powerful Spirit Venerables, he has no way to defeat each other!
But at this moment, his strength has soared, in fact, he just did it for her to see.That's why he tried to distract her at the most dangerous moment!
While Ling Tian was angry, a certain part of his heart collapsed softly in an instant.

"Little Tian'er, let's go!"

Di Wushang's urging sounded in Ling Tian's ears again.


The moment the urging sound fell, there was a bang, and Di Wushang had already faced the two of them.

The forces so strong as to destroy the heavens and the earth confronted each other, and Ling Tian felt that not only the air in front of him was evacuated, but even the space was distorted.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. After the bang, the whole world fell into a strange silence.


Suddenly, there was a sound like broken glass bit by bit. It felt like the toughened glass was gradually crushed by a force of gravity.

Although that kind of sound was not loud, it tore the soul apart and made the soul tremble and ache.


Finally, the air and space could no longer withstand the suppression of this force, and there was a crisp sound.Immediately afterwards——


There was an explosion, with Ling Tian, ​​Di Wushang, Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu as the center, an extremely strong shock wave instantly swept away towards a range of tens of miles away with the power to devour everything, bringing this At the moment when the shock wave appeared, the whole world shone into daylight.

At the center of the shock wave, an extremely strong flame shot up into the sky instantly, as if it wanted to poke a hole out of the sky.

The earth quaked, and centered on this soaring flame, a huge and beautiful mushroom cloud with a destructive aura bloomed.

The appearance of the mushroom cloud changed the color of the sky and the earth again, and there was a deafening bang.

Di Wushang led Ling Tian back quickly, and Ling Tian saw Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu flying backwards in the explosion.

"Little Tian'er, you've seen my strength, let's go, don't worry about me, you'll distract me here."

When Di Wushang led Ling Tian back, he took the opportunity to speak again.

And when Di Wushang stood still, Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu also stabilized their figures after being blown away by a mile, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood, obviously hurt by Di Wushang's blow. A serious injury.

(End of this chapter)

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