My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 465 Smelly girl!

Chapter 465 Smelly girl!
"Stinky girl, you want to be fixed, don't you?"

Facing Di Wushang's threat of violence, Ling Tian curled his lips: "If we can all survive, you can repair it as many times as you want."


"If you die like this, you won't be able to avenge your parents, so you won't feel reconciled?"

"will not."


"Because I died with you. If my parents knew, they wouldn't blame me!"

At this moment, Di Wushang's heart was filled with a deep sense of powerlessness, but also a strong sense of sweetness welled up in his heart.

Although Xiao Tian'er of his family is not an obedient girl, she is a girl who can live and die with him.

When he saw the godmother clearly had the opportunity to leave, but insisted on staying to live and die with the godfather, although he was sad, he was also extremely envious.

Wish to have one person's heart, and the white head will not be separated.

After seeing the love of godfather and godmother, this is his longing.

And now, he got it.

This person is not only his predestined woman, but also his godfather's daughter and his fiancée.

Although death was likely to be faced soon, Di Wushang's heart instantly settled down.

His heart has a home.

Even if he died, he would not feel lonely.

Even if turned into dust, they will be entangled with each other.

All of a sudden, Di Wushang paused while leading Ling Tian's rapid advance, and his gaze became sharp again.

Ling Tian's heart also sank instantly.

Although he couldn't see the enemy, Ling Tian felt that Di Wuhen, who had fled just now, had returned at this moment.

Sure enough, a burst of triumphant laughter sounded from behind.

"Hahahaha... Brother Seventeen is really smart, Brother Wei was almost bluffed by you!"

After Di Wuhen's voice fell, Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu blocked their way one after the other.

"Brother Seventeen, look, just as you know me as a brother, I actually know you very well as a brother! With your ruthlessness, Brother Seventeen, you never planned to let us go from the beginning. If your strength really How can we run away if they are so strong?
Since you didn't chase us after we ran away, and you took this beautiful little girl to escape quickly, it means that your strength just now was supported by secret techniques!
Tut tut!Seventeenth brother, it seems that the blood in your mouth and nose has not been wiped clean!Ha ha ha ha……"

After seeing the blood on Di Wushang's mouth and nose, Di Wuhen couldn't help laughing out loud, the laughter was full of joy.

"King Jin, it seems that the backlash of the secret technique just now caused you a lot of damage. I don't know if you can continue to use that secret technique at this moment?"

"What? Do you want to try again?"

Di Wushang didn't answer the question, and his expression of no fear caused the expressions of the three of them to stagnate slightly again.

"Since this king uses it, it has its benefits. Although it is true that it will be counterproductive, as long as you take the elixir, you will be fine. I won't fight you all because this king's life is more precious than you, but if you If you don’t want to forgive others, then don’t blame this king for trying to kill the fish and break the net, and come with you forever.”

When the faces of the three of them changed drastically, Di Wushang spoke again: "Get out of this king's sight within three breaths, otherwise, die. One...two..."

After finishing speaking, Di Wushang started counting on his own.

Di Wuhen gritted his teeth and glared at Di Wushang, although he felt unwilling, he still flinched.

(End of this chapter)

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