My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 473 Shangguan Fu Sima Cheng's Death

Chapter 473 Shangguan Fu Sima Cheng's Death
With a soft sound, Shangguan Fu's palm just happened to slap on Di Wushang's Tianling cover impartially.

Just when Di Wuhen's eyes brightened and he was about to pull Ling Tian out immediately, an incredible scene happened.

Shangguan Fu lost all spiritual power in an instant, his eyes were slanted, and just now he took a picture of the palm on Di Wushang's head without any spiritual power at all.

" did you do?"

After Shangguan Fu finished speaking, his whole body fell towards the ground like a weightless stone.



The death of Shangguan Fu was definitely a huge shock to Sima Cheng and Di Wuhen.

Just when Sima Cheng was horrified by Shangguan Fu's inexplicable death, Di Wushang, who was almost knocked out of strength, saw the opportunity and slapped Sima Cheng.

And Jade King Kong, who had dealt with the three-headed python at the top, rushed down with a scream, and swung his sword at Sima Cheng's head.

If Di Wushang's palm still couldn't kill Sima Cheng and could only injure him again, then Jade Diamond's sword would definitely be a life-threatening talisman.

With a stab of a sword, Sima Cheng, who was seriously injured, was stabbed in the head by Jade King Kong before he could even make a cry.

Flying wolf rushed down from the sky, because he lost his contract with his master, he didn't want to fight that perverted sissy anymore, so he turned around and fled quickly.

Ling Tian was so painful that she was about to faint, but how could she, who was obsessed with money, let go of a majestic Spirit Beast at the level of a Spiritual Venerable and the souls of two powerful Spiritual Venerables?

If she, a rookie at the level of a spirit king, can fly out with a spirit beast at the level of a spirit master, how exciting it would be?

So despite being seriously injured, Ling Tian said, "The corpses of Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu!"

Although this was not clearly stated, who is Di Wushang?
That is simply Ling Tian's intimate padded jacket!
As soon as Di Wushang grabbed it, he had already fallen, and he grabbed the corpses of Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu who were about to be smashed to pieces.



Two strands of white light suddenly appeared, trying to escape.

However, just before they fled, the butterfly that had scraped away the soul power of the three giant pythons had been split into two, flying gracefully, blocking the two souls from leaving.

The next moment, the butterfly turned into two golden lights, and jumped into the two white lights with a "whoosh".



Flying Wolf, who had already escaped, was suddenly taken aback, not understanding why his master, who had clearly died, came back to life.

Pulled by his soul, Flying Wolf flew back depressed.

The huge black wings flapped elegantly in the air, but Flying Wolf's eyes were filled with a dazed look.

"Child, let me ask you, why did my master's soul merge with you?"

Suddenly, a white light lit up between Ling Tian's brows, and Xiao Bai appeared, wagging his tail and said, "Big guy, you have too many questions, and the master is tired. Come in, come in and I'll tell you!"

After all, Ling Tian changed his mind, and the Flying Wolf at the Spirit Venerable level quickly jumped into Ling Tian's soul.

Di Wuhen opened his mouth with disbelief on his face.

Everything came so suddenly!
Just a moment ago, he was sure that Di Wushang would definitely die, but in the blink of an eye, the only two Dharma protectors at the spirit level under his command were all dead!
His two protectors, one with a phantom beast at the spirit level, and the other with a spirit beast at the level of the spirit, with them, he is equivalent to having four strong men at the level of the spirit.

But now...

(End of this chapter)

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