My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 503 Xiaotian'er coma

Chapter 503 Xiaotian'er coma

"Little Tian'er!" Di Wushang called Ling Tian.

Even he himself didn't realize that when he called out, his voice was actually trembling.

"Girl, don't scare me. What's wrong with you? Did I hurt you?"

Ling Tian still didn't answer.

Di Wushang hurriedly put on his clothes casually, then covered Ling Tian's body with the quilt, and shouted: "Jade King Kong!"

Outside, Jade King Kong lay reclining on the soft bed, eating apples, consuming the apple residues in his body with his spiritual power and discharging them into the air.

On the apple, the lipstick that melted last night would still be stained from time to time.

Hearing Di Wushang's roar, Yu Jingang was so frightened that he fell directly from the slum.

He was almost running to the door, remembering the makeup on his face, and hurriedly wiped off the beautiful makeup on his face with heartache, and then opened the door and walked in.

"Ah Shang, are you awake? How are you feeling?" The pink outfit on Yu Jingang's body had turned into a pink dress.He "flyed" to Di Wushang's room in a ecstasy.

To be honest, Di Wushang felt that his pink dress was more acceptable than that pink tights.


At the moment Yu Jingang rushed in, Di Wushang stopped him at the door.

"My lord asks you, what happened to Xiao Tian'er? Did she remain in a coma until now or what?"

"Oh? My sister is in a coma?"

Yu Jingang was startled, but Di Wushang didn't even react, so he rushed to Ling Tian's side.

Di Wushang's scalp tightened, as if he was facing an enemy, he pushed Jade King Kong away with his palm, and shouted angrily: "Don't use your hand that picked her foot to come within one meter of her!"


Yu Jingang curled his lips with a look of grievance.

Why did he feel that his family Ah Shang really seemed to dislike him a little bit?

Yu Jingang guessed wrong.

His family, Ah Shang, doesn't just despise him "somewhat", but despises him quite, quite, quite!
"Ask you!" Di Wushang never had a good word when facing Jade King Kong.

He still doesn't understand why he provoked this ancient perverted evildoer.

Yu Jingang was frightened by Di Wushang, looking like a little daughter-in-law, she was about to cry and said: "Shang, don't keep being mean to others, they..."

"If you don't speak well, I will imprison you for 30 years, do you believe it?"

Startled, Yu Jingang immediately stood up, stretched out her chest and retracted her abdomen, and said in a manly voice, "Sister has long since recovered. She has been taking care of you all this time, changing your clothes and cleaning your body."

Seeing Di Wushang's complexion improved, Jade King Kong returned to his original nature, and said sissyly, "Not only did I not touch you, I didn't even look at you! But my sister was fine yesterday, you must have taken her Tired of tossing."

When Di Wushang heard that Ling Tian hadn't been in a coma, he felt relieved.Glancing outside: "What tricks are you doing?"

Ling Tian didn't know about Jade King Kong's enchantment, but Di Wushang did.The residence they were in was already heavily surrounded by the army at this moment, and all the rooms outside had been blasted into debris, but their residence was still intact.

"Is such that……"

Yu Jingang was about to explain with great interest when he was interrupted by Di Wushang.

"Forget it, you don't need to talk about it. Anyway, just don't disturb Xiao Tian'er's rest."

Ask for the roasted pork belly flavor monthly pass and recommendation pass.I did an activity in "The Author Has Something to Say" yesterday, because Tencent had a convulsion, and everyone didn't see it, so I did it again today.See event details below.

(End of this chapter)

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