My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 514 What the hell? !

Chapter 514 What the hell? !

The height of the four people is almost exactly the same!

Look at your face again...

The ministers' eyes widened one by one, carefully discerning...they are exactly the same.

How do they tell who is their child?

The ministers rubbed their eyes one after another, and their necks stretched out, but these girls all looked like their own, but upon closer inspection, they didn't seem to be.

Suddenly, a penetrating voice rang in the ears, and the ministers who were carefully recognizing facial expressions were frightened.

Following the prestige, I saw the 8 men and 8 women on the high stage just now singing with an extremely exaggerated posture...

Female voice: "Today is a good day"

Male voice: "Hey!"

Female voice: "Anything you want can come true"

Male voice: "Hey!"

Female voice: "Tomorrow is a good day, open the door—"

Male voice: "Lang lang, lang lang, lang lang lang lang!"

Female voice: "We welcome—the spring breeze!"

Male voice: "Lang lang, lang lang, lang lang lang! rang lang, rang lang, rang lang rang..."

What the hell is Nima? !
Seeing those aunts singing so cheerfully that their eyeballs were about to fall out, the men on the side kept "clanging and clattering", and the ministers were also drunk!
They were originally super blind and invincible, and then they were interrupted by the invincible singing and singing, and one head turned into two big ones!

"The second group of beauties, please come on stage!"

The host's toneless voice sounded, the beauties of the first group had already walked over and started to turn, and the beauties of the second group had already started to move forward.

The ministers are in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, we haven't seen these people clearly yet, why did they leave?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, isn't this speed too fast?"

Ye Chuchen was already laughing in his heart, but his face was serious.

"How come it's so fast? As a minister, this beauty pageant has to choose all the rankings within half a day! Plus counting the votes, how can there be so much time for them to go through it many times?"

"But they all dress the same, wear the same makeup, and are about the same height. Looking at them from such a distance, they look exactly the same! How do people choose? How do they rate them?" Prime Minister Yan Huan finally couldn't help it up.

He is determined to make his granddaughter a queen. How can he rate her like this?

Ye Chuchen sneered, but on his face he said persuasively: "Prime Minister, what do you think of the four beauties who came up just now, and the four beauties who came up now?"

"Of course they are all beautiful!"

"It's fine if they look good! Since the prime minister thinks they are pleasing to the eye, they will all be given 0.5 points! After all, there will be other assessments later, and everyone's scores will not be the same in the end."

"Then according to the emperor's wishes, these beauties are all the same in the eyes of the old ministers. Do all the old ministers have to give full marks?"

"Hehe, it's up to the prime minister. If you think everyone is the same and beautiful, then they all get full marks. But if you give them full marks, it doesn't mean that other ministers and judges will also give them full marks. At least I will not.

Why do I want them to wear the same clothes and put on the same makeup?Just for fairness!If someone can stand out with the same attire and makeup, then it is called a beauty, isn't it?

After all, I am going to recruit people into the harem. If everyone has the same face, then what is the difference between recruiting so many people and recruiting one person?Right Prime Minister? "

(End of this chapter)

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