My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 526 Repaying the Loan

Chapter 526 Repaying the Loan

After being yelled at by Xiao Er, he hurriedly took out a spirit stone and threw it towards Xiao Er behind him.

Xiaoer was so angry that he despised the gazes of the two, but after seeing the spirit stone in his hand, his mouth opened wide.

"Purple...purple...purple spirit stone! Shopkeeper...purple spirit stone!!!!"

As soon as Ling Tian and Di Wushang left, the woman who had just been taunted by Ling Tian had already found a helper, wanting to find her way back.

Looking at the empty restaurant, the woman's face turned dark.

"Xiao Er, have the brothers already checked out and left? Do you know where they went?"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant and Xiao Er have not yet recovered from the shock. Seeing the woman looking for fault, thinking that the pair of brothers might be masters from the first-class forces in the Central Continent, or have something to do with the upper-class forces, Tun said kindly: " Girl, you have to forgive others and forgive others, then... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, the shopkeeper was sent flying by a middle-aged man behind the woman.

"Presumptuous, is it possible for our young lady to be taught by a pariah like you?"

The shopkeeper was knocked down, and he was very angry in his heart, but in this world where fists are bigger than everything, he could only swallow his anger.

Just as he was about to say that the two of them were probably from the first-class forces in the Central Continent, Xiao Er had already opened his mouth and said, "I'm afraid you don't know everything, right? The young master just now is an alchemist, and he is going to participate in the alchemy competition." .them……"

Xiao Er wanted to say that they were from the Central Continent, but before she finished speaking, the woman laughed, and the people behind her snorted coldly:

"It really doesn't take much effort to break the iron shoes and find nowhere. Miss, since they offended you, they don't have to participate in the alchemy competition."

A smug smile formed on the corner of the woman's lips.

She really wanted to know what the expressions of the two men who had traveled thousands of miles to participate in the alchemy competition would be when they saw her.

"Uncle Wu, let's go to the arena."

"Yes, Miss."

Di Wushang and Ling Tian who had already gone to the outskirts of the city naturally didn't know what happened here.

Under the detection of Di Wushang's divine sense, Ling Tian easily locked onto the venue without asking for directions.

"Girl, you haven't told me why you gave up good food and came to participate in this alchemist competition? There should be nothing in it that attracts you, right?"

Lingshi, this girl has no shortage.The increase of the second-grade spirit weapon is only [-]%. As far as he knows, his little Tian'er can guarantee to create a spirit energy with a [-]% increase.

For the rest, this girl doesn't even care about the recognition of the alchemist union or the important use of the imperial court.

"Di Wushang, I am in debt."


"Before you were in a coma, I forgot about it in a hurry. After I crushed Shangguan Fu's lamp, my soul was severely injured, and I couldn't wake up for three to five years. But my Space can allow me to automatically restore my soul..."

Afterwards, Ling Tian told Di Wushang about the cheating system, and Di Wushang couldn't help laughing.

Ling Tian glanced at Di Wushang who was smiling so happily, his mouth was pouting angrily.

"The Bigeng fruit should be some kind of component of the precious medicine, so it is very expensive in the space. I checked, and the Bigeng fruit space will sell for 1 points, so if I get it, I will let the system The bageng fruit has been recycled, so nearly one-third of the loan can be repaid."

(End of this chapter)

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