My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 542 Everything Is For Pretending

Chapter 542 Everything Is Just To Pretend

When I was still a first-rank alchemist, I used to refine Qingling Pill for the emperor of Mo country.But now the green spirit pill she was about to refine was completely different from the first-grade green spirit pill.

"Dan Fire!"

"Look! The flame in his hand has turned into a pill fire!"

"Sure enough, he is not only a master of crafting, but also a master of alchemy!"

Although Ling Tian hadn't started formal alchemy yet, the onlookers firmly believed that Ling Tian would definitely be able to refine what she said was a second-grade top-grade elixir with a purity of more than [-]%.

With the beating of the pill fire and the dancing of Ling Tian's fingers on the alternation of medicinal materials, all the alchemists were fascinated by it.

It turns out that we can make alchemy like this.

It turned out that when refining this elixir, the steps should be like this.

It turns out that as long as the pill fire is well controlled, the medicinal materials can be directly fused here.

It turned out that the moment the pill was released, the pill had to slide through the fingertips, and then pass through the remaining temperature of the pill fire.


Until Ling Tian finished alchemy, all the alchemists were still immersed in her alchemy that transformed into a god.

Ling Tian's alchemy technique inspired the alchemists present so much that no alchemist even made a move after making alchemy for a long time.

There were only three pills refined, because Ling Tian didn't use many herbs.She took a bottle and filled the two green spirit pills, and she handed the other bottle to Ximen Hong Guang.

After seeing Ling Tian's weapon refining technique, Emperor Ximen Hong Guang was in a daze until Ling Tian stuffed the pill into his arms, and he didn't react.

Holding the pill bottle tremblingly, Ximen Hong Guang gently opened the cork of the pill bottle when he felt the eyes of everyone.

A very beautiful orange pill cloud with a very positive color sublimated from the pill bottle and floated in the air, and the scene fell into dead silence again.

Top elixir!

Although the shape of the Danyun is still a little irregular, it has not reached the extreme state of the two giant statues in the face before.But everyone can guarantee that the purity of this elixir has definitely reached more than [-]%.

A person, he is not only a craftsman, but also an alchemist.This is shocking enough.

But the most important thing is that this person is not only a top-quality alchemist, but also an alchemist who is infinitely close to the best.

Facing such a genius, the warriors present could not wait to run up and take care of Ling Tian.

But when he thought that he still had an elder brother who could instantly freeze the peak Orange Spirit King, he dismissed this idea again.

"You took the elixir, and then I asked my brother to release Prince Li and Vice President Li."

Prince Li: ...! !

Vice President Li: ...! !

After seeing Ling Tian's abnormality, the two of them were so annoyed that their stomachs turned green.

If they treated Ling Tian with courtesy from the very beginning, wouldn't that mean that not only would they not die, but they would also have an extra friend who was a top alchemist or a top-quality craftsman?

Even if you don't make friends, ask him to help refine the spiritual weapon and the head office of the elixir, right?
Even if there is no spirit weapon or elixir, spare their lives, right?
At this moment, the two of them couldn't figure it out, since your brother can kill us with one finger, why do you have to refine weapons and refine alchemy to be cool before letting the emperor come to kill us?
Is it just to pretend that you are so unnecessary?

(End of this chapter)

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