My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 544 The Dumbfounded Identity

Chapter 544 The Dumbfounded Identity

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Ling Tian put the jade pendant into the space ring.

"Master Ling, go slowly."

Under the watchful eyes of Ximen Hongguang and the reluctant gazes of all warriors and alchemists, Ling Tian came to Di Wushang's side and asked Di Wushang to hold his hand.

Just after everyone saw what the Da Neng who held Prince Li and Vice President Li in the air looked like, everyone felt that Miss Li's attempt to get her hands on such a temperamental young man was definitely a toad's idea. After eating swan meat is a crime, Di Wushang waved his hand upwards, and a mini airship appeared in front of everyone.

Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, under Miss Li's incomparably complicated eyes, the two walked into the flying boat.

In a blink of an eye, the flying boat disappeared, leaving behind a group of shocked people.

After a long time, the square became noisy again.

"Oh my God! Those brothers turned out to be strong men from the Central Continent!"

"They must be strong from first-class forces, otherwise how could there be a flying boat?"

"That's right! Even the leaders of the second-rate forces have a hard time owning a flying boat. But they, just two brothers, actually own such a beautiful flying boat. Who the hell are they?"

"It must be a direct descendant of the top power, otherwise how could it be possible to have a flying boat?"

"No matter who they are, at least one of them is a powerful master, and the other is a ghost who possesses both pill fire and weapon fire. They are better than some people, but the daughter of the vice president of the alchemist union in the imperial country is delusional. It is much better to marry someone's elder brother, who will look down on him and want to kill someone."

Everyone's eyes focused on Miss Li, who wanted to escape a long time ago, but was stopped and refused to let go, full of ridicule.

Miss Li and Vice President Li looked pale. It was not until the moment the other party took out the flying boat that the father and daughter knew what kind of existence they had provoked.

Thinking about how they had discussed before, after the two got married, they would arrange a position for Ling Tian in the Alchemy Masters Guild, and they would be grateful to them for convenience, and instantly felt that they were very funny.

From beginning to end, they were nothing more than clowns.

The one who couldn't accept this ending the most was Prince Li.

He had been planning ahead for decades, and finally had an opportunity like today, but in the end he made a wedding dress for others, and even sent himself to the guillotine.

Ling Tian sat in the flying boat, Jade King Kong was in charge of driving the flying boat, Di Wushang was in charge of squeezing the juice for her, and Ling Tian was drinking the juice while looking at the negative points of karma points in his space with a smile. The ground is reduced, and the mood is simply incomparably good.

That's why she insisted on taking care of things that Di Wushang could handle in minutes.

Because she can see that Ximen Hongguang is a good emperor, and once the elixir she made helps Ximen Hongguang survive, and then eliminates the bad guys, then the karma points must be counted on her head Up.

Exchange the Bigeng fruit into the space and get 4000 points.Rescuing Ximen Hong Guang is equivalent to saving the people of the entire Chaoyang Empire from being enslaved by the bad guys and getting 10000 points.

In this way, the negative 32400 points turned into a negative 18400 points in an unexpected alchemist competition.

(End of this chapter)

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