My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 546 A Warm Family

Chapter 546 A Warm Family
"So you'd better remember what you just said, don't have any thoughts about me, and be your walking dead obediently. In this way, for the sake of saving my life last night, I won't kill you!"

"Oh, thank you!"

Hua Lixiao stretched out her hand and caressed Gu Qianchou's cold fingers.When Gu Qianchou touched the soft pancreas and his heart trembled, Hua Lixiao coldly broke his hand away, and then turned his head to the outside, ignoring him at all.

Looking at Hua Lixiao's three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, Gu Qianchou suddenly felt inexplicably irritated, and then he also cast his eyes out of the window, never even looking at the woman in front of him again.

In less than half an hour, the two flying beasts had brought the Marshal's Mansion to the Imperial Palace with a group of people.

The imperial palace is what people call the imperial palaces of all continents in the Central Continent, and it is the place of supreme power in the entire Hunyuan Continent.

Before arriving at the imperial palace, four fine armored guards of the level of the Green Spirit Sage came up to meet them. They stopped neatly in the air and bowed to Gu Qianchou who was in the flying beast car with fists together, "Welcome to the Generalissimo!"

Hearing the voices outside, Gu Qianchou ignored them, but looked at Hua Lixiao, and said coldly, "Madam, it's time to get off the bus."

After finishing speaking, he placed his big hand with well-defined bones in front of Hua Lixiao in a very gentlemanly manner.

Glancing at Gu Qianchou's hand, Hua Lixiao stood up, thought for a while, and then put her hand in his cold palm.

I don't know what kind of weird technique this man is practicing. Every time I hold hands with him, the coldness that penetrates his heart will make her feel terrified from the bottom of my heart.

Although her hand was already healed, at this moment, Hua Lixiao was really afraid that he would have a convulsion and crush her fingers.

Gu Qianchou had a cold face, while Hua Lixiao had a heart. Just like that, the two walked out with a loving look.

"Excuse me, take the car down."


After all, the four elite guards were divided into two groups, one group was responsible for leading the flying beasts in front, and the other group was responsible for leading the flying beasts behind.



Suddenly, the aggrieved voices of Hu Ziqi and Gu Rui came over.Gu Qianchou, who was leading Hua Lixiao, just remembered that he also brought Hu Ziqi and Gu Rui with him today.

Hu Ziqi couldn't gather spiritual power, and Gu Rui was only a five-year-old child, he hadn't reached the level of a spirit king, so he couldn't walk in the sky.


Gu Qianchou was about to tell Jingjiawei to park Hu Ziqi's mother and son's animal cart on the ground, but just as the words came out, Hua Lixiao forcibly pulled her hand out of Gu Qianchou's palm.

Gu Qianchou frowned slightly, barely visible, and then flew towards Hu Ziqi and Gu Rui who were standing on the edge of the beast cart, looking at him expectantly.

Seeing this, Gu Rui jumped out of the beast cart happily before Gu Qianchou flew over.


Although Hu Ziqi reminded her, her son fell off the beast cart, but she didn't feel the slightest nervousness.

This was due to her trust in Gu Qianchou.

Sure enough, when Gu Qianchou was still tens of meters away from the carriage, he saw Gu Rui Sahuan jumping out of the carriage, and the next moment, Gu Qianchou who was still beside Hua Lixiao had turned into an afterimage.

The figure here is not completely illusory, but Gu Rui has already been embraced by him.

(End of this chapter)

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