My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 561 Little Tian'er's man!

Chapter 561 Little Tian'er's man!
Hua Lixiao: ...! !

Huangfu Gongchen almost couldn't help but gave him a slap in the face.

It's clear that you are the one who fell in love with my sister Xiao, and dared to sue the wicked first!

"Why are you staring at me like this? If it wasn't because you wanted to go with Mrs. Gu, why did you always stop?" Bei Xuanmo continued to provoke Huangfu Gongchen.

"I, of, shoes, son, still, no, wear!"

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen's fox-face who was always smiling, he finally gritted his teeth because of Beixuanmo's failure, and everyone fell silent.


It wasn't until Huangfu Gongchen had finished speaking that a noble lady in the front row screamed and jumped away.

Everyone looked around for the exclamation, and saw that this noble lady had trampled on Huangfu Gongchen's shoes embroidered with golden dragons until they couldn't wear them.

"Dijun, please forgive me! The courtiers didn't see the shoes on the ground!"


In an instant, the audience was dead silent.

Di Wudao touched his nose in embarrassment again.

It's his fault.

He forgot about Beixuanmo stepping on Huangfu Gongchen's shoes.

So, was he too fast just now?

Fortunately, the winking eunuch had already ordered someone to get the shoes again. Soon, a court lady brought over a new pair of dragon shoes and knelt on the ground for Huangfu Gongchen to put them on.

The majestic Emperor Xizhou, whose shoes were trampled off and walked such a long distance barefoot, Huangfu Gongchen was also drunk.

Everyone was speechless, Huangfu Gongchen and Di Wudao walked in the front, and Bei Xuanmo had the cheek to walk behind with Hua Lixiao, Gu Qianchou, and Hua Yukun.

Behind Gu Qianchou, Hu Ziqi's face was gloomy, and the nails in her sleeves were about to pierce her palms, but she didn't realize it.

Because her gaze had been on Gu Qianchou's hand.

At this moment, Gu Qianchou held Gu Rui with one hand, and put one hand on Hua Lixiao's back.Although he didn't put his arms around her, or even touch her, his hands were always protecting her.As long as there is the slightest change in front, Hua Lixiao will be embraced by him again.

And she had never been held in his arms before.

"Miss Hua, I was being rude just now. But Huangfu Gongchen has bad intentions for the girl, the girl must be extra careful at the banquet, and beware of his way."

Hua Lixiao and Gu Qianchou walked together, thinking that nothing would happen, but Bei Xuanmo's secret voice sounded in her ears.

Bei Xuanmo changed his shameless tone when he spoke to Huangfu Gongchen just now, this time, what he said was very formal, which surprised Hua Lixiao slightly.

To be honest, although Beixuanmo showed her admiration for her in public, which made her feel a little impolite, but Hua Lixiao couldn't hate this person, so she replied to him: "Understood, thank you Beixuan Master Xuan is concerned."

"I'm just entrusted by others to be loyal to others. If Miss Hua has any request, please ask me. If I can do it, I will never refuse."

Beixuanmo's voice reached Hua Lixiao's ears again, making her feel ecstatic in an instant.

who?Who is entrusting Bei Xuanmo?Could it be...

Thinking of the previous communication with Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao felt like her heart was about to jump out.

"You are Miss Ling Tian's senior sister, right?"

At this moment, upon hearing Bei Xuanmo's words, Hua Lixiao's eyes were moist.

How many grievances she has suffered in the past few months since she came to the Hunyuan Continent, she gritted her teeth and survived, but after hearing Xiao Tian'er's name, she suddenly had an inexplicable desire to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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