My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 563 The Queen's Furious

Chapter 563 The Queen's Furious
"Well, I know, the names of these three palaces were chosen by me. Are you amazing?"

Six sons: ...

Tweety: ...

So is their emperor going to make trouble again?

Can you take a day off?

Are you really happy to turn this harem into a mess every day and make the previous dynasty fight every day?

"Your majesty is so talented!" The six sons complimented Ye Chuchen, and then raised their male voice and said: "Put Fengxiang Palace——"

He is just a slave, he must be listening to his master.If there is no master, his little eunuch would have been killed.Now his name belongs to the emperor, since the emperor wants to make trouble, he, who has already died once, will definitely not be afraid.

So, in the midst of the queen's longing and longing, in the Feng'an Palace, the imperial dining room made dozens of kinds of food that the emperor liked to eat. There.

"What did you say? Say it again!" The queen looked at the court lady kneeling in front of her, her eyeballs could shoot fire.

"Your Majesty, slaves deserve to die! The Emperor has gone to Fengxiang Palace."

Yan Jingwan was still holding a cat in her arms, at this moment she mercilessly threw the cat at the maid.The cat and the maid screamed in fright, and then the cat ran away and hid under the cabinet.

"I invited him yesterday, and he clearly agreed to me, but in the end he went to the imperial concubine's palace! Today is the fifteenth day, and he clearly should have come to accompany me, but he went to the palace of that foxy girl again! Do you still take this Queen in your eyes?"

"Your Majesty, calm down! The Emperor still loves you! You see, the Emperor always rewards Feng'an Palace from time to time, but he has never rewarded Fengxiang Palace once. Moreover, the person in Fengxiang Palace has already entered the palace. It's been so long, but the emperor hasn't been there once. This...should be the emperor's first visit to Fengxiang Palace, right? This is enough to show that the emperor doesn't really care about that foxy girl."

The maid thought she could enlighten the queen, but she became even more angry.

"What do you know? After the emperor returned to the palace, he rewarded all the concubines in the harem one by one, but he never rewarded the one in Fengxiang Palace. During this period of time, the emperor has been exposed to rain and dew, but he only does not go to Fengxiang. Gong. What does this mean? It means that the woman in Fengxiang Palace is what he values ​​the most, and what he cares about the most! Playing hard to get, do you understand?"


The palace maid knelt on the ground tremblingly, not knowing what to say.

Yan Jingwan was angry for a while, and finally, she finally hid her poisoned eyes, and ordered: "Pack up the food here and send it to Fengxiang Palace. Tell the emperor, because he went to Fengxiang Palace suddenly, there must be a lot of food there." There is no dinner prepared. These were made in the imperial dining room all afternoon, and the dishes are still hot, let the emperor eat them while they are hot, so as not to upset the stomach."

"Young lady is wise!"

Yan Jingwan snorted coldly: "No matter how beautiful that Hu Meizi is, she is just a noble concubine. This palace is the queen! If I can live up to my expectations and give birth to a prince, who else in this palace can shake this palace? status?"

Another female officer also hurriedly patted the horse and said: "It's best for your mother to think like this. The prime minister also means the same thing. Now the empress is the head of the six palaces, and the prime minister is under one person and above ten thousand. As long as you can give birth Prince, why worry about losing your status?"

(End of this chapter)

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