Chapter 568
After all, it was impossible for Ye Chuchen to tell his brother-in-law's two subordinates what happened last night so embarrassing, so Chen Ji and Chen Sheng didn't know the truth at all.Tunnel replied: "It doesn't look like he is lying. After all, his subordinates and Chen Sheng have already investigated his details just now. The Ninth Emperor has indeed suppressed his strength. His external strength is no more than Huang Lingsheng's high-level That's all, the real strength is the intermediate level of the Green Spirit Saint.

But even so, he has no way to be the instigator of this incident.After all, yesterday even the two subordinates could not break through Concubine Yu's defense.The subordinates speculated that Concubine Yugui's strength might have reached the level of Lingzun. "

Ye Chuchen exhaled a breath of foul air, looking in the direction of the palace, he was very depressed.

Damn it, before she had time to punish those bastards with her own hands, she was forced away by a mental retardation.depressed.

"Miss Ye, let's go. This place is no longer safe." Chen Ji reminded.

"En." Ye Chuchen nodded, got on Chen Ji's flying beast, and left the imperial capital of the Azure Dragon Empire in less than half an hour.

Ye Chuchen preliminarily decided to follow Chen Ji's words and go to the Monster Beast Dynasty adjacent to the God Beast Dynasty.

It is said that the current Beizhou Great Emperor Yao Yuanshuang is a very powerful monster.Because of his outstanding aptitude, he was accepted as an apprentice by the lord of Hunyuan Continent back then.

Later, after the lord of the Hunyuan Continent was killed by an alien demon, his five apprentices divided the entire continent into five continents.And Yao Yuanshuang occupied Beizhou.

Under the protection of Yaoyuanshuang, the monsters in Hunyuan Continent can escape from human hunting.After the death of Emperor Dongzhou, who was also Xiaotian'er's father, Yao Yuanshuang, Emperor Beizhou became the only one who dared to challenge Emperor Zhongzhou a thousand times.

And Beizhou's Monster Beast Dynasty is a powerful safe haven for those monsters with poor aptitude.

Anyone who dares to kill and hunt monsters from the monster dynasty will become a wanted criminal in Beizhou.

Ye Chuchen really wanted to see the monsters that turned into humans in this fantasy world, so she followed Chen Ji and the others.

Now that she has gone to the Monster Dynasty, crossed the empire, and crossed the dynasty, the mentally retarded dog's nose should not be so clever, right?
Facts have proved that Miss Ye really thinks too much.

Just when Emperor Ye Da escaped from the early court for no reason without giving any oral instructions, and no one could find him, causing the entire Qinglong Empire to fall on his back, Concubine Yu Guifei, Jade Soul, arrived.

At this time, Ye Chuchen had just left the Azure Dragon Empire under the leadership of Chen Ji and Chen Sheng.

Seeing the beauty of the blood-colored sunset, Ye Chuchen saw a clear stream in the mountain stream, so she asked Chen Ji and his brothers to stop. When she went to wash her face, she found that the reflection in the water had the mentally retarded appearance of Jade Soul. In the early morning, the whole person was not well.

"Your Majesty, where are you going? The concubine also wants to go with the Emperor."

Yuhun finds Ye Chuchen and expresses his happiness, and reaches out to hold his wife who is quite familiar with her.

But the next moment, Ye Chuchen was guarded by Chen Ji and Chen Sheng.

At this moment, the faces of the two were extremely ugly.

Because when the jade concubine came to them, they didn't even know.

Although they knew they were defeated, Chen Ji and Chen Sheng, as Anbu's well-trained subordinates, pointed their swords at Yuhun very respectfully.As long as she dares to take a step forward, even if she is desperate to die, they will protect Ye Chuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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