My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 588 Destroying the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 588 Destroying the City Lord's Mansion
"Get up quickly." Ling Tian helped Wang Qi and Xiao Yu up with his own hands.

For this pair of brothers and sisters, Ling Tian was silently grateful in his heart.

Later, when Ling Tian knew that Wang Qi's brother and sister were actually Uncle Ling's children, she was so thankful for her luck.

He ran to wipe out a bandit den for points, and found a real relative for Uncle Ling.

"Brother, since you know about the Water Spirit Body, do you know how Xiao Yu should overcome it in order to survive?"

Di Wushang's identity is special, and their identities have not been revealed yet, so when facing Wang Qi's siblings, Ling Tian called him big brother.

"There is no need to remove it. The body of the water spirit is a kind of body of the five elements. The body of the five elements includes the body of the gold spirit, the body of the wood spirit, the body of the water spirit, the body of the fire spirit and the body of the earth spirit. In this world, only There will be five people who have these five powers respectively, and there will be no sixth person. Therefore, the owner of the body of the five elements is also called the darling of heaven.

Because they are born with a certain kind of power of the five elements, even if they don't practice, they can still produce this kind of spiritual power in their bodies.This kind of spiritual power can help them reach the peak of the five elements in a short period of time.It can be said that as long as there is enough time, such a person can [-]% become a top spiritual master. "

"But Xiao Yu is not to mention becoming a strong Spirit Venerable now, if her meridians cannot be expanded, she will not even be able to save her life." Seeing Xiao Yu like this, Ling Tian's heart tightened.

"There are many ways to expand the meridians, and I can always find them. At least I can help her sort out the meridians while temporarily suppressing the restless spiritual power in her body. When her meridians are sorted out smoothly, we can talk about the expansion."

Upon hearing this, Wang Qi and Wang Xiaoyu quickly knelt down again: "Thank you, Mr. Ling!"

This time, it was Di Wushang who personally helped the two brothers and sisters up.

"It's all a family, you don't have to be polite."

One... family!

The eye sockets of Wang Qi and Wang Xiaoyu were a little moist.

They are just the humblest warriors in this continent, without family background, spirit stones, martial arts, and nothing.

But these two are willing to treat them as... family members!
Seeing that Wang Qi and Xiao Yu's eyes were red, Ling Tian said: "The Emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire is my best friend, and her poison and medical skills are definitely the most powerful I have ever seen in my life. She is said to be able to resurrect human flesh and bones, No exaggeration. Xiaoyu's meridians have been unblocked by my brother and my friend, and his body will definitely recover. Don't worry, Brother Wang."

"Really...really?" Wang Qi and Xiao Yu's eyes widened again.

Niang said that there will be no such things as pies in the sky.But why do they have the feeling that the sky is really going to drop a pie! !
"Of course it's true. It just so happens that we are going to the Azure Dragon Empire to find her. Since you will be with me in the future, let's go together. With me, she will definitely cure Xiaoyu."

"Thank you, sir!" Xiao Yu looked at Ling Tian gratefully, and she decided that she would always be by the son's side on the mountain of swords and in the pan of oil in the future.

"Then let's go now?" Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang.

"First, check to see if your points have been paid off."

It was only then that Ling Tian remembered about the loan and looked towards the space.



"About how much."

"One hundred points left."

I don't know how much the city lord's mansion is punished by heaven. Her loan of nearly 100 points, now after destroying a city lord's mansion, only [-] points are left to be repaid.

(End of this chapter)

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