Chapter 594

"I don't know, I thought you were a nest of snakes and rats, colluding specifically to defraud passengers of their money."

In the carriage, the faces under the bandit's mask changed dramatically, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate today.


Without further ado, the bandit leader prepared to take the rest of the people out of the car.

"Hey, it's all here, why go away? Wasn't it so awesome to kill people before? Why, now that you can't beat it, you want to leave?"

"Boy, do you know who this uncle is? If you really dare to kill us, you will never leave alive!"

"Oh, then it's not your business."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, Xiao Bai had turned into a white light again.

No one saw clearly how this little white tiger killed people.But after the bandit leader was touched by the white light, the mid-level fighters of the mighty Orange Spirit King didn't even react at all, leaving only a headless body.


The body crashed down, and deafening cheers erupted in the carriage.

In contrast to everyone's joy, Zhu Xiaoli's expression at the moment was extremely ugly.

"Boy, you are looking for death, do you know who we are? Do you know who he is? How dare you kill us!"

The bandits in the farther carriage finally rushed over, glared at Ling Tian angrily, and spoke angrily.

"Hey, looking at you like this, I don't know, I thought all of you were raped daughter-in-laws!"

All the passengers burst out laughing.

"Have you ever heard a saying? If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Today is the time for you to pay it back with your life."

"Boy, we are..."

Before the bandit who wanted to report himself could open his mouth, Xiaobai knocked him apart with a howl.

Because, the young lady of the other family didn't want the passengers to know the identities of these bandits.

Seeing this, the other two bandits wanted to flee into the crowd.

One of them was caught up by Xiaobai and bit off his neck.The other one was lucky and rushed into the crowd, but he didn't know who was behind the black hands. When the crowd backed away, that person's stomach had already turned into a hollow.

Xu Yi, who jumped out of the Qiankun bag, returned to the Qiankun bag without even showing his body shape.

Unlike the phantoms in the nether world who contracted with human warriors, Xu Yi and A Xiang are real ghosts.And ghosts can appear in the most primitive state.The biggest advantage of this original state is that it can be invisible and invisible.

So no one knew how the bandit died after rushing into the crowd.


Xiao Bai bit off the ring from the bandit's hand and handed it to Ling Tian.

"Those are gone?"

"Oh!" Xiaobai shook his head.

Ling Tian curled his lips and couldn't help cursing: "Poor!"

Everyone couldn't help their mouths twitching.

"Mr. Zhu, you should be responsible for throwing these dead people out?" Ling Tian asked with a smile as he looked at Zhu Xiaoli with a livid face.

At this moment, several other operating personnel also came over, and asked with a serious face: "Young master, you have already killed the person, but you should give us the space ring in their hands, right? You know, their Death will add a lot of difficulties to the operation of the teleportation array in the future of our Recluse Asgard. So you have to hand over the space ring."

"What if I don't pay?" Ling Tian asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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