My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 60 A Trip That Said To Go

Chapter 60 A Journey That Said to Go
Ling Jian went to the barracks early this morning to make arrangements to lead the army to leave in four days.Ling Jian was not there, Ling Tian went out alone after having breakfast.

Even in Duke Huguo's mansion, the speed at which Tongtianyu absorbed spiritual energy varied from time to time.So Ling Tian went out to find a place where Tong Tianyu could quickly absorb spiritual energy.

Almost instinctively, Ling Tian came to the dense forest and lake on the outskirts of the city where he was killed, because the natural environment was the best there.

Unexpectedly, after going there, Tong Tianyu's speed of absorbing spiritual energy slowed down instead.

So Ling Tian went to crowded places again, and she found that the more crowded the place, the faster Tong Tianyu could absorb spiritual energy.

I don't know the conditions for Tong Tianyu to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so Ling Tian can only wander around on the street alone.

Along the way, people greeted Ling Tian with kind smiles, which made Ling Tian feel good.

In the end, Ling Tian went to the bazaar, and it was a bazaar specializing in selling rough stones and weapons. Even if he was just standing on the street of the bazaar, Ling Tian could feel that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy from Tianyu had doubled.Still slow, but much better than before.

So Ling Tian tried to get closer to the raw stone booths, and sure enough, the spiritual energy was absorbed faster.

"Does Xiaotian want to buy rough stones? The rough stones here are not good. I know there is a place that sells rough stones that should be the best in your Mo country. Is Xiaotian interested?"

A voice came from behind, Ling Tian turned around in surprise, and what he saw was Di Wushang smiling at her with his handsome face that made people lose their sense of beauty.

Seeing the evildoer with a shimmering halo all over his body in the morning light, Ling Tian was in a great mood, and he was not at all wary of his own Phoenix.

"Okay! Where is that place?"

"Hengyang." Facing Ling Tian's straightforwardness, Di Wushang was also in a good mood: "It is the largest rough stone distribution center in the Mo country, and the rough stones from all over the country are wholesaled from Hengyang."

Ling Tian: ...! !

Is this phoenix playing tricks on her?
"This is Weeping City! To go to Hengyang, even if it is a fast horse, we can't get there in 8 days, right? It takes 16 days to go back and forth. Are you planning to take me on a long-term tour?"

The corners of Di Wushang's lips raised slightly, and he took Ling Tian's little hand quite naturally and said, "Don't worry, I promise to let you go home and sleep tonight."

Call back and forth every day?

Ling Tian's good-looking brows and eyes slightly raised, and he became interested.

She also wanted to see what kind of tools could allow her to fight back and forth between inland cities and border cities in this cold weapon era.

Looking at Di Wushang who was walking ahead holding her hand, Ling Tian couldn't help but smile.

And Di Wushang, who was walking in front, felt Ling Tian's smile, and the corners of his lips could not help but slightly raised.

Di Wushang brought Ling Tian to a carriage at the corner of an alley, where Fei Yu was already waiting.

"Miss Ling, hello."

"This is my guard, Feiyu."


Ling Tian greeted with a smile.Suddenly seeing the coachman driving the carriage, the smile in his eyes became even bigger: "Brother, how are you!"

Dark Seven: ...! ! !
He is a secret guard, and the most taboo thing is to show his face in front of people.How did this eldest lady find out that he was the "big brother" who watched her?

"This is Xiaoqi."

When An Qi heard that his master had introduced him on his own initiative, he clasped his fists excitedly: "Hello Miss Ling!"

(End of this chapter)

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