My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 625 Green Turtle

Chapter 625 Green Turtle

Being scolded to shame, Yang Zhi touched his nose in embarrassment, and said nothing more.

"Mr. Lei, before Qi Mu comes, you should go, otherwise it will be too late."

"It's too late."

"What?" Mingyue raised her eyebrows.

She didn't even feel the aura of the Immortal Palace of Recluse, how did he, a warrior of the Scarlet Spirit King, feel it?

In fact, Ling Tian didn't feel it either, because Feng Yun's voice transmission told her.

"They're all here."

Not long after the words fell, the Mingyue Sect's suzerain and the elders felt a violent aura like a tornado, sweeping the entire area.

Qi Mu, the lord of the Reclusive Immortal Palace, came with 19 masters above the high level of Huang Lingsheng, and immediately landed on the periphery of the Mingyue Sect and the group, surrounding the Mingyue Sect.

There were a total of 20 people on the other side, but Mingyuezong and Huang Lingsheng's intermediate warriors only had 9 people.Plus Yang Zhi, a warrior of the ninth level of the Scarlet Spirit King...

Regardless of the quality and quantity of warriors, the two are not on a parallel line at all.

"Let go!"

After seeing his son's corpse, Qi Mu cried out in grief, and came to Qi Fang's corpse whose soul had already been collected by Ling Tian, ​​and squatted on the ground to examine it carefully.

After confirming that Qi Fang was indeed dead, and that he died very thoroughly, Qi Mu roared out in grief and indignation.The penetrating voice resounded through the entire forest.

"Who? Who is the ****? Get out of here!"

Qi Mu stood up, skipping over the group of people in the Sanctuary Immortal Palace one by one, his gaze soon fell on Ling Tian.

"You killed my son? You didn't even listen to my son's words, you thought I was just an ant at the peak of the Scarlet Spirit King, so you killed my son without even thinking about it?"

"That's right!" Ling Tian nodded, and said angrily, "Because I think ants should curl up in their nests, why do they come out to show off their power? I can't understand his bossy behavior, so Just kill him!
Brother, you don't have to be too angry. After all, you have so many women who failed to give birth to a son for you. The suzerains of other sects have already had children and grandchildren, and they can form a city guard army. You The majestic palace master of the Immortal Palace of Recluse only has such a single seedling.

I really have reason to suspect that your son is actually the child of your wife and another man.Because he looks nothing like you! "

"Hahahaha..." An elder of the Mingyue Sect laughed loudly: "In fact, our Mingyue Sect has discussed this matter a long time ago. We also agreed that this guy was cuckolded by his woman."

"The fact that he was cuckolded is nothing new. Anyone who knows him in the Yanyun Empire doesn't know about it?"

"It turns out that I'm not the only one who thinks so! Hey, brother, you were already wearing a green hat, and now the green hat you're wearing has been smashed to pieces. Do you still want to work hard for this green hat? Why don't you just stop, I'll help you get a paternity test for free. If he is your son, how about you help him avenge him?"

Qi Mu was already furious when his only son died.Now after being provoked by Ling Tian and Mingyue Sect's people, he sneered instead.

"A group of people who are about to die, you know that you are going to die, so you say these words to stimulate me, so that I can give you a good death, right? I don't!

(End of this chapter)

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