My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 628 The Second Demon Sealing Tablet

Chapter 628 The Second Demon Sealing Tablet
The Immortal Palace of Retiring the World is completely over just like that.

"Master Lei, you didn't just come here to save Zhi'er, did you?"

If Sect Master Mingyue still couldn't see that Ling Tian was the one who wanted to destroy the Immortal Palace, she would be the Sect Master in vain.

"No, I really just came here to save Brother Yang. Although I really want to destroy the Immortal Palace of Recluse."

Sect Master Mingyue smiled slightly, and Bingshan Beauty's face instantly became more beautiful.

"Anyway, thank you for helping us tide over the difficulties. Otherwise, Mingyue Sect will be completely destroyed today."

"If Sect Master Mingyue really wants to thank me, I have a heartfelt request."

"Sir, please speak."

"You are like this..."

An hour later, Sect Master Mingyue brought all the elders of Mingyue Sect to the sky above the Sanctuary Immortal Palace. The powerful pressure of the Holy Spirit made a group of disciples of the Sanctuary Immortal Palace suffocate.

"Qi Mu is too deceitful. Today, Mingyue Sect is ashamed. If you dare to disrespect my Sect Master Mingyue in the future, and dare to provoke a vicious struggle between the two sects, all the palaces in the Hermit Immortal Palace will die!" The lord, the deputy palace lord, the elders, and the supreme elders are your role models in the future."

After all, the elders of the Mingyue Sect threw down the heads of a group of high-level officials from the Reclusive Immortal Palace.

All the disciples of the Recluse Immortal Palace were dumbfounded, they never thought that such a powerful sect would be completely wiped out in one night.

Until all the senior members of Mingyue Sect had left, all the disciples couldn't recover.

"The suzerain is dead, what are we still doing in the Sanctuary Immortal Palace? Let's run away!"

"Where is the treasure house? Damn, I have been a disciple for such a long time, but I didn't get anything. At least I should get something from the treasure house, right?"

I don't know who said that, the senior disciples of the Hermit Immortal Palace and a group of middle-level disciples rushed towards the treasure house quickly.

Among the hundreds of thousands of people who stormed the treasury, Ling Tian and his party were also among them.

If the black stone is the fragment of the Demon Sealing Tablet, then the Tongtian Jade must be able to sense its existence.

After entering the first treasure house to find nothing, Ling Tian ran into the second treasure house.

Here, someone had already taken things and wanted to leave, but they were suppressed by Feng Yun's powerful coercion.

It wasn't until Ling Tian was pulled by Tong Tianyu and saw a black stone emanating faintly next to the crystal cabinet knocked down on the ground in an inconspicuous corner, that Feng Yun released the flustered stone in the treasury. The disciples of the Immortal Palace who escaped from the world.

Almost as soon as Ling Tian's hand touched the black stone, it was automatically attracted into the space by Tong Tianyu.

Looking into the inner room of the space, sure enough, this stone and the black stone she bought in the outland Hengyang before were pieced together.

Although they still couldn't see their appearance, when the two stones were put together, Ling Tian instantly felt that his space was more than doubled, and the aura of the space was also more intense.

After that, Ling Tian glanced at the points.

After killing a few people from the Recluse Asgard in the boundless desert before, her points became 3000, and then she earned another 3000 points after killing Qi Fang's disciples in the forest, a total of 6000.

But Qi Mu and other high-level officials in the Reclusive Immortal Palace didn't increase their points at all because she wasn't the one who killed them.

So she should have 6000 points now.

"Hey, what is this?"

 Congratulations to the true love on the 17th floor, the light vines on the 27th floor, and the blooming flowers on the 37th floor. Congratulations on winning, please add me Q2755579223.
(End of this chapter)

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