Chapter 633
"What is your identity? What's your name?"

"I am a member of the personal guard of Emperor Zhongzhou, and my name is Huangshi."

"His pro-guards will change batches from time to time. In what year did you become the pro-guards?"

"I was ordered in Xin Maonian."

Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang, and Di Wushang said, "It was the time after the demons were defeated in the Second World War. So at that time, the Demon Sealing Tablet was broken and secretly sent to various places."

From the content of the conversation between the two, Huang Shi could see that Di Wushang and Ling Tian were not ordinary people.

But he can't handle that much anymore.

Life saving is the most important thing.

"Masters, I have finished what I should say. Can I go?"

"You have been in the Recluse Immortal Palace for more than 300 years. Who is connecting with you above you? What benefits have they given you?"

"My upline is Guo Wei. He comes to the Immortal Palace to look for me every December 12th night, asking if the fragments of the Sealing Demon Tablet are well preserved, and at the same time sending me purple spirit stones. But what does he do? Yes, what kind of strength, I really don't know at all."

Seeing that everyone in Ling Tian was silent, Huang Shi asked again: "Can I...can I go?"

"Yes." Ling Tian nodded.

Huang Shi immediately bowed happily and said, "Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord! Don't worry, the Sanctuary Immortal Palace was suddenly destroyed. So many disciples stole treasures and left. The scene was chaotic. I didn't even see who took the seal. Fragments of the demonic stele. Even if they want me to swear by Thunder Tribulation, I don’t know who you are, my lord!”

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded and said, "But I still believe in myself more."

Huang Shi's complexion turned pale in an instant, and he looked at Ling Tian in horror: " can't kill me, you made the Thunder Tribulation Oath."

"I can't kill you! But I have a way to keep you from speaking forever."

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian looked at Feng Yun and said, "Brother, help me completely control him and lower his spiritual power below mine."

Feng Yun, who originally wanted to smash Huangshi's bones directly and then throw him into the den of spirit beasts, suppressed Huangshi's spiritual power with great interest, preventing any fluctuations in his body's spiritual power.

Such Huangshi is no different from ordinary people at all.

So Ling Tian used the second layer of "Soul Attack" "Whale Cry" to launch a mental attack on Huangshi.

Huang Shi's terrified eyes slowly dissipated under Ling Tian's attack.

"Okay, let him go."

Feng Yun heard the words and let go of Huangshi.

Then I saw him running out like crazy.

"Little Tian'er, what did you do to him?"

"Let's go and have a look."

Seeing Ling Tian's mysterious look, Feng Yun had no choice but to let Xiao Cui and the others wait in place, and he and Ling Tian quietly followed Huang Shi.

Huang Shi quickly rushed in the direction of the Immortal Palace, where most of the disciples hadn't left yet.

Some disciples who took the good treasure were surrounded by other envious disciples. In the entire sect of the Reclusive Immortal Palace, the disciples did not have the slightest sympathy, and were fighting to the death because of the treasure.

And Huang Shi, without saying a word, rushed towards a wave of disciples from the Immortal Palace, trying to snatch their space rings.

Seeing that Huangshi dared to rob them of their belongings, those disciples directly beat Huangshi to death.

(Ask for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket for grilled salmon steak. The building building activity continues. The 17th, 27th, and 37th floors are the winning readers. Repeat building more than 2 floors, and those without fan value are not counted)
(End of this chapter)

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