My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 642 Digging a Hole for Hua Lixiao

Chapter 642 Digging a Hole for Hua Lixiao
Hua Fuen lightly annoyed Hua Liming with a coquettish attitude.Although the tone of the voice was full of sisterly love and informality, but the task of warming up this time was actually handed over to Hua Lixiao.

"How does my sister want me to be responsible? I'm not arguing with them."

For Hua Fuen, Hua Lixiao doesn't even want to show a good face.

She will also watch Gongdouju.Doesn't this obviously make her look ugly?The original owner was not as good at dancing as Hua Fuen, let alone her. She had been learning Taoism from her master since she was a child, and she never danced at all.

Hua Fuen didn't mind Hua Lixiao's displeasure at all, and said with a smile: "Sister Xiao, this is your fault. Didn't my sister just want you to warm up the scene by saying that? You need to get ready, can't you just warm up with your sister?"


Gu Qianchou, who was about to help Hua Lixiao refuse, frowned slightly.

According to his investigation, although Hua Lixiao is more beautiful than Hua Fuen, but in Huafu, where there are many talents, she is just an embroidered pillow, winning only by her beauty, without any special skills at all.

Hua Fuen clearly wanted to make her look ugly, why did she agree?

"That's great. Sister, do you want to sing or dance or play the piano?"

Hua Lixiao smiled slightly: "Everyone is singing and dancing and playing the piano, and the aesthetics will be exhausted. How about this, I will show you a new thing."

"Oh? I wonder what Mrs. Gu wants to perform?"

Even before Huangfu's heroes spoke, Beixuanmo had already spoken.He used his actions and words to express that even though Gu Qianchou was unwilling to give up Hua Liming to him, he was still very interested in Hua Liming.

"I use painting to tell a story to everyone."

"It turned out to be painting, so I thought it was really some kind of performance that can make people's eyes shine. But it takes a long time to paint."

"No. My sister and everyone here must have never seen this kind of painting of mine."

Hua Lixiao's words aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

The people present are all well-informed people at the peak of the mainland. What kind of things have they never seen?
"May I ask who has the earth spirit power?"

"Next is."

"It's the same below."


All of a sudden, many men and women in the hall raised their hands.

"Then please help me get some yellow sand out."


What do you need sand for painting?
Everyone was curious, so they quickly used their spiritual power to turn the fertile soil into yellow sand.

While everyone was making sand, Hua Lixiao also quickly made a drawing board.

Then Hua Lixiao looked at Gu Qianchou and said, "Husband, can you use your spiritual power to be a light for me?"

She draws a picture, and wants the Generalissimo to illuminate her with purple spiritual light?

"it is good."

Gu Qianchou stood up with dignity, and walked slowly to Hua Lixiao's side.

Afterwards, Gu Qianchou released his spiritual power, and his entire body was bathed in purple light.

"No, just use the light of your palm to help me illuminate this place."

Under Hua Lixiao's guidance, Gu Qianchou followed suit.

Then Hua Lixiao nodded, and the palace servants who were in charge of the lighting in the hall all extinguished the lights of the entire hall, even the Ye Mingzhu was wrapped up together.

Everyone was puzzled, the lights were off, how could she still paint?

"Please look at this wall."

Following Hua Lixiao's pointing, everyone looked at the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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