My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 645 Three Views Are Different

Chapter 645 The Three Views Are Different
"But what you drew is a love story, isn't it? If the prince doesn't love her, what kind of love story is it?" Huangfu Gongchen couldn't help but said.

"What I draw is not a love story, but a sleep story, a story my mother used to lull me to sleep. For me, this story is no different from those ghost stories that lull children."

Huangfu Gongchen: ...! !

He suddenly discovered that his sister Xiao was good at everything, but her emotional intelligence was a little low.At this moment, Huangfu Gongchen was so choked by Hua Lixiao that he couldn't even speak.

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen's deflated appearance, Bei Xuanmo opened the folding fan in his hand, fanned it handsomely twice, and asked, "Madam Gu thinks, why doesn't the prince love the mermaid princess?"

"If the relationship between the prince and the mermaid princess is really firm, the prince really loves her, and the mermaid princess trusts him, then the prince should leave with the mermaid princess, take her to the palace and marry her, Then help her keep the secret of the seabed for the rest of her life.

Taking a step back, even if the king does not allow the prince to leave with his memory, as long as he leaves, his memory must be abolished. If the prince really loves the mermaid princess, he should live in the sea with her all the time. What is the need? Back to the palace again?

To the people in the palace, the prince is actually a dead man, so what does it matter if he goes back or not?So to put it bluntly, the prince is actually just a selfish man, a scumbag who can't let go of his throne.

And the mermaid princess, even though the other party had already given up on her, still gave up on her parents who gave birth to her and raised her, and exchanged terms with the witch regardless, and finally turned herself into a pile of bubbles and disappeared in this world.So the mermaid princess is a fool looking for abuse. "

"Xiaomei's words are a bit biased. Bengong thinks that the way the mermaid princess went to find the prince is actually right. She is just wrong because she is too stupid.

Knowing that the prince has lost his memory and doesn't remember her, how could he give up the neighboring princess and marry her just because of her words?

It is the most normal thing for a man to have three wives and four concubines, so why should she be so sad that she would melt into bubbles because of the prince's words that she doesn't remember her?This is indeed like what Xiaomei said, she is not only looking for abuse by herself, but also hypocritical.Dijun, are you right? "

Although he was talking about the mermaid princess, every sentence Hua Fuen said was aimed at Hua Lixiao.Although Hua Lixiao is beautiful, her three views are not correct.And although she, Hua Fuen, is an old person, she is the most suitable for Huangfu Gongchen among the daughters of the Hua family.

"The imperial concubine is right."

Huangfu Gongchen's words made Hua Fuen smile like a flower.

Hua Lixiao smiled and did not refute.However, Huangfu Gongchen will not let go of any chance to get to know Hua Lixiao.

Hua Lixiao has an inexplicable fatal attraction to him.

This is not something that beauty can do.

"Xiaomei, do you think your sister is right?"

"The emperor thinks it is right, then it is right."

"Oh? Listening to Xiaomei, it seems that you have a different point of view? You think what your sister said is incorrect."

Huangfu Gongchen couldn't be more clear about her thoughts than Hua Lixiao, so she said: "It's not incorrect, it's just that everyone's perception is different."

(Ask for a ticket! I forgot to ask for a few days, asshole!)

Continuing to build buildings: 2, 17, and 27 floors are the winning readers, if you repeat building more than 2 floors, you will be disqualified.

(End of this chapter)

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