My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 647 Hate White Lotus

Chapter 647 Hate White Lotus

Hua Lixiao looked at Hu Ziqi, and said very seriously, "I'm sorry. I don't have any sense of trust in a woman who wants to kill me anytime, anywhere."

For a woman who is so ruthless that she would rather sacrifice her own child to blame her rival, Hua Lixiao has already listed Hu Ziqi in the category of severe mental illness.

So for a white lotus patient with severe mental illness, she would rather not have a guard than be with her.

"Marshal Gu, didn't you realize that there will always be troubles where she has me? If you don't want to have a bigger incident between me and her than before, and let everyone treat us like monkeys, please take care of me. Let's resettle separately. If you can't settle, I can return home early."

Hua Lixiao's call to Marshal Gu made Gu Qianchou feel unwell for no reason.

What does this woman mean?
They are all married to him, and instead of calling him Husband, they actually call him Marshal Gu in front of so many people!
"You don't want to be with us, we don't want to be with you yet! You are noble and you can just play by yourself, I just play with my mother!" Gu Rui couldn't help but avenge Hu Ziqi.

"Rui'er, be polite to your mother!"

Gu Rui was yelled at by Gu Qianchou softly, and he didn't dare to speak, but he looked at Hua Lixiao with extremely unfriendly eyes, as if he was about to provoke trouble.

Seeing this, Gu Qianchou felt a little dizzy.

He didn't understand how he managed to settle the hundreds of women and thousands of children in Huangfu Gongchen's harem?
"Okay, now there are a lot of unknown people coming around the capital, even if there are guards, it would be dangerous for you to go alone, so just stay here for now. I will send Cheng En and Cheng De to protect you respectively."

"How can this be done? Husband, Rui'er and I are inconspicuous in this palace, no one will do anything to us. No matter what, you have to bring Cheng En and Cheng De with you!"

"Needless to say, Chengde, you are responsible for taking care of your wife. Cheng En, you are responsible for taking care of Rui'er, mother and child."


After the two took orders, Gu Qianchou left.

Hua Lixiao didn't even bother to look at the mother and son, so she turned and left.

"Mother, let's ignore her, let's go over there to watch the lanterns." Gu Rui said to Hu Ziqi.

"There are too many people over there, have you forgotten what Dad told you just now? Dad is already busy enough, so let's not make trouble for him, shall we?"

"Okay." Gu Rui nodded sensibly.

"Mother will take you there, there are few people there."

"it is good."

Cheng En couldn't listen anymore, and said: "Aunt Hu, you can't see the lanterns over there, and your back is facing the high platform, so the young master can't play anything at all. With the company of your subordinates, Aunt Hu doesn't have to worry about it. Little If the young master wants to go there, let's go there to play."

"That's great! Uncle Cheng En, you are really the best uncle!"

"Young master, you don't have to be polite. It's the subordinate's responsibility to protect the young master."

So, Hu Ziqi took Gu Rui and Cheng En to watch the excitement.

It was the first time for Gu Ruichang to enter the palace at such an age, and it was also the first time to see such a lively scene.So soon he forgot about today's unhappiness.

Hu Ziqi followed Gu Rui all the time, telling him not to go here or there. Almost every place he went, Cheng En took the initiative to tell them that they could go, no problem, and Hu Ziqi was willing to take them with him. kids go.

(End of this chapter)

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