Chapter 653

For this guard, Hua Lixiao didn't want to give him a good face.If it wasn't for Gu Qianchou's sudden convulsion to bring her food just now, she might still be held hostage by that old man right now, and she doesn't know what that crazy man would do to her.

Chengde looked angry at Hua Lixiao, facing her scolding, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction in his heart.

Hua Lixiao didn't want to be captured by anyone again, so she listened to Gu Qianchou's words and headed towards the crowded place.

Chengde followed Hua Lixiao, if his eyes could kill, Hua Lixiao would have died long ago.

After strolling around for a while, Aunt Hu and Cheng En suddenly rushed towards her in panic.

Watching Cheng En pass him and rush to another place, Cheng De stopped Hu Ziqi and asked with concern:

"Aunt Hu, what happened?"

Hu Ziqi's eyes were red, and she said anxiously, "Rui'er was taken away."

Chengde's complexion changed: "What? How come?"

"Just now Cheng En saw someone's figure over there, I'm going to go and have a look now. Chengde, can you help me find Rui'er?"

Hua Lixiao suddenly turned around to look at Hu Ziqi, causing her body to tremble slightly in fright.

Chengde, who was already depressed, nodded immediately when he heard that their young master had been kidnapped: "Okay, let's go, I will accompany you to find the young master."

Hua Lixiao is the daughter of the Hua family and the Lord's enemy.Her life can't compare to the life of the young master!The young master is the Lord's own son!

Thinking about it this way, the status is more important than others.

"Ma'am, it belongs to..."

The moment Chengde opened his mouth, he was fixed by Hua Lixiao's freezing eyes.


It's not that she is unreasonable at all, but that there is something strange about this matter when you think about it.

Cheng En followed Hu Ziqi's mother and son every step of the way, how could Gu Rui be taken away?If it wasn't for Hu Ziqi's deliberate efforts to support Cheng En, Gu Rui would never have lost her.

It's not that she judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

A woman whose child was taken away, if she really loves the child, if the child is really lost, she will come to Chengde and talk a lot of nonsense?

Look at her attitude that she won't leave until she tricks Chengde away. Did she really lose her child?
Chengde originally wanted to ask the Jingjiawei in the palace to help take care of Hua Lixiao, but was hurt by her saying "get lost".

The Lord has never said such serious words to him, who does she think she is?
Chengde snorted coldly, followed Aunt Hu and left.

After no one protected her, Hua Lixiao stayed in the busiest place, wherever the bustle was, she would be there.

But since she doesn't look for trouble, it doesn't mean that she doesn't look for trouble.

Aunt Hu carefully planned to cheat Chengde away, how could she have no backup?

Finally, when Hua Liming felt thirsty and came to the drink area, someone took action.

I saw a group of princes and princesses laughing and approaching her from different directions. Hua Lixiao backed up all the way to the table, but she couldn't escape their encirclement.

Then the very routine person in front suddenly turned around and spilled all the wine on her clothes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the princess didn't see anyone behind, so I'm really sorry. Huh? Aren't you Mrs. Gu? You're so rude! I'm Princess Jingyu, Mrs. Gu, your whole body is already dirty, otherwise I Gong will accompany you to change a set of clothes!"


This princess Jingyu's skill is far behind that of the eldest princess, so bad that Hua Lixiao is unable to complain.

(End of this chapter)

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