Chapter 655
"The emperor needs to drug me if he wants to see me? You are clearly a liar!"

"Ouch! My good lady! The drug is for you to serve the emperor better! The emperor is already waiting for you in the palace, come with me!"

Hua Lixiao snorted coldly, then pinched the magic amulet hidden in his sleeve.

"Eh? Where are people? Where are people?!"

Looking at the emptiness in front of him, the person who hijacked Hua Lixiao was completely out of sorts.

Hua Lixiao saw a blur in front of her eyes, and the next moment, she had arrived at a quiet hillside.

The amulet is random, and it goes in the direction that is good for you at will.Moreover, with her current strength, the farthest distance of the divine movement talisman inscribed can only reach within 4 kilometers.

So she must still be in the imperial palace now.

Although the place is eerie and quiet, Hua Lixiao really prefers to stay here, at least it is safe here.

Feeling the heat emanating from her whole body, Hua Lixiao's pretty face became more and more glamorous.

Take out the antidote made by Xiao Chen'er, who was exchanged from the space with Dao Talisman two days ago, and pour the liquid medicine directly into his mouth.

It's delicious!
Almost as soon as the medicine was taken, the hotness in the body was instantly suppressed.

It's still the emperor's palace in the Central Continent, and the medicine used is so low-quality!
After Hua Lixiao completely despised Xizhou Continent in her heart, she worshiped Xiao Chen'er's medical skills even more.

Glancing at the mirror symbol in the space system, this symbol recorded everything that happened before.

She has already hid here, so no one should provoke her anymore, or she will embarrass everyone!

Suddenly, there was a sound from behind, Hua Lixiao was startled, and quickly pasted an "air" Taoist talisman on her body, and then opened a mirror image talisman and hid in the dense grass.

"Uncle, didn't you and my mother make an agreement? I was just acting with you, why did you kill me? Please don't kill me! My mother will be here soon!"

"Your mother will come right away? Are you sure? Hehe, boy, give up! When your mother made a deal with Princess Jingyu, she had already handed over your life, but you didn't know it."

"No! My mother will not hand me over. She was deceived by you!"

"Cheat? Ha ha! Do you think your mother is a child? You are so easily deceived? Since you dare to do these things, you must have the consciousness to pay the price for it.

In other words, your mother really dares!In order to lure Mrs. Gu's guards away, she didn't hesitate to use your life as a price.In fact, you are not her own, are you? "

"I was born to my mother! I am my mother's son! My mother will definitely find me! My father is the Generalissimo, and he will never let you go!"

"Hahahaha... Your father won't let me go? Come on, I can't see your father at all, so I won't be afraid of him. Kid, do you think you are the only one who is abandoned? In fact, you are the only one with me. Abandoned son. Because later, I will stage a scene where I will kill you, be seen by them, and then be killed by them again."

Gu Rui: ...

"Seeing that we are connected by fate, and we still need to be a companion on the road to Huangquan, I will tell you the matter. It's also good for you to die!
When you are dead, they will chase you to this mountain, and then I will show off that I am the guard of Huafu, and I will be killed by them on the spot.

After that, they will blame Mrs. Gu for your death and my identity in front of those two stupid guards in the Marshal's Mansion. "

(End of this chapter)

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