My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 659 Just Don't Tell!

Chapter 659 Just Don't Tell!

"Aunt Hu, we didn't kill this person. We came up just now, and we don't know what happened. When we came up, this person was already dead. What happened to them?" Cheng En looked at Behind Hu Ziqi, a group of fine armored guards asked.

"Oh, you guys went up just now. I don't have martial arts, so I can't fly up. Fortunately, I met the captain of the Jingjiawei. After hearing about Rui'er, he brought me up."

After all, Hu Ziqi hurried to Gu Rui's side, without caring about the child, she hurriedly asked, "Rui'er, what's going on? Do you know who killed the man in black?"

Gu Rui shook his head, at this moment, he was so sad that he didn't want to say anything.

Seeing that Gu Rui's gaze was a bit weird, Cheng En and Cheng De who were on the side also cast inquiring eyes, Hu Ziqi hugged Gu Rui into her arms, patted his back, and comforted him: "It's okay, Ruier, It’s okay! Fortunately, you are still alive! I’m so worried about you!”

Listening to his mother's words, Gu Rui sobbed, and then slowly changed from sobbing to whimpering.

This was the worst and saddest time Gu Rui cried in his life.

He really wanted to ask his mother: Are you really happy that I am alive?I was taken away, are you really worried?

But countless questions turned into tears, which Gu Rui suppressed in his heart.

There was a very important place in that place, which collapsed at this moment.

"Who is this person? Why did he arrest my son? Do you know that my son is the only heir of Marshal Gu? I demand a thorough investigation of this vicious case and give our Marshal's Mansion an explanation!"

Hu Ziqi's sudden strength moved Cheng En and Cheng De very much.

Auntie Hu is such a gentle, kind, submissive woman, for her own child, she can be so strong even when facing Jingjiawei.

Aunt Hu's image in Chengen and Chengde's hearts has improved.

"Aunt Hu, please don't worry, Marshal Gu is the minister of Humerus in Xizhou Continent. The emperor will definitely investigate this matter strictly and give the Marshal's House an explanation."

After all, the captain of Jingjiawei sternly shouted: "Immediately carry this corpse down to me, and investigate this matter strictly."


"Rui'er, do you know what? Do you know who this man in black is?" Hu Ziqi turned her back to Cheng En and Chengde, and gave Gu Rui a wink, wanting him to correct the identity of the man in black.

Although she didn't know why the man in black died or who killed him, she knew that as long as Gu Rui said the words "Huafu" or "Hua Lixiao", she would be able to plant Hua Lixiao's head no matter what.

However, Gu Rui opened his eyes wide and said in horror: "I...I don't know. He...he took me to the mountain and killed me without saying a word."

"Then who saved you? Even if you don't know his identity, you know what he looks like, right?"

"I don't know, the man passed by in a flash. I only heard a 'poof', and then the man fell to the ground."

"Didn't this person say who he is before he kidnapped you and killed you?"

Hu Ziqi blinked at Gu Rui again, wanting him to say something like Hua Liming or Huafu. She felt that with Gu Rui's intelligence, he would definitely understand what she meant.After all, she had discussed the details of being hijacked with him before.

Because of who this man is, they had already colluded with each other before, and Gu Ruiming knew it!

(End of this chapter)

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