My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 675 Vow to Destroy Hua Lixiao

Chapter 675 Vow to Destroy Hua Lixiao

Seeing the backs of the two leaving hand in hand, Hu Ziqi was so jealous that she almost went crazy.

The white head is as new, and the tipped cover is as old.

So she is Baishou, and Hua Lixiao is Qinggai, right?

So she can only be his aunt forever, but Hua Lixiao has already been recognized by him as his wife?


She absolutely does not allow this to happen!
She will let Gu Qianchou know how vicious Hua Lixiao is.

Although Princess Jingyu is dead, Cheng En and Cheng De are still there.

She absolutely cannot let her Qianqiu fall in love with Hua Lixiao!

"Aunt Hu, let's go."

"Take the witness with you before you leave." She would let Gu Qianchou know that his so-called "Qinggai" was just a woman with a vicious heart.


Bei Xuanmo patted Huangfu Gongchen on the shoulder: "Suspicion is a disease, and it needs to be cured! It seems that this year's competition between Xizhou and the other three continents is going to lose. The emperor has high hopes for you this time! Hey..."

Huangfu Gongchen was in a daze.

Compared to the disappointment of not getting Hua Lixiao, Gu Qianchou's departure is what Huangfu Gongchen cares most about.

It was at this moment that he recalled that Gu Qianchou was actually the one who invited him to the imperial palace three times back then, and he didn't insist on staying by his side to be the grand marshal and was accused by him.

"It's been a long time since I've been inland, and this is the first time I've entered the capital of the empire. It's really much more prosperous than the imperial kingdom. The capital of the former Mo country can't be compared with this place at all."

Ling Tian and Feng Yun walked side by side, leisurely walking on the capital avenue of the Azure Dragon Empire, and they were extremely curious about everything.

Feng Yun smiled at the corners of his lips, stood upright, and walked beside Ling Tian with a proud face, enjoying the sound of his little sparrow chattering around him.

"Don't you think that the aura here is much stronger than in the major imperial kingdoms?"

"that is true!"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and he felt it belatedly.

Now she is already at the eighth level of the alchemy stage, a total of 17 nodes of the body have been opened, and there are still 64 nodes to be opened before the Mahayana stage of "Onmyoji Secret Record".

If as her strength increases, the aura of the place she goes to becomes stronger, then she spends half of her time cultivating every day, and she can definitely open up all nodes within 6 years and stand on the peak of this inland central continent.

Ling Tian smiled crookedly, looked in the direction of the imperial city, and shouted in his heart——

Xiaochener, here I come!
Ling Tian didn't tell Ye Chuchen about Ling Tian's coming to Qinglong Empire, because she wanted to give her good sister a big surprise.


"Emma, ​​why is this imperial city so congested? Is there a mistake?"

Ling Tian pulled Feng Yun to try to walk through the imperial city, Wang Qi hugged his younger sister Wang Xiaoyu and followed closely behind Ling Tian and them.Behind them, followed by Cui, Qian, Zheng, Li, and Wu's five personal guards.

However, the front seems to be blocked, and there is no way to get in.

"Ma'am, I borrow it."

Ling Tian led eight people in a mighty attempt to move forward.

As a result, as soon as the aunt was squeezed away, the aunt yelled away reluctantly.

"Hey, in broad daylight, you are the one who jumped in line like this? You, a young man, pushed me and an old man aside, are you justified?"

Ling Tian: ...! !

"Auntie, we just borrowed it." Wang Qi hugged his younger sister Wang Xiaoyu and said.

"Borrowed?" The aunt was angry: "You talk about jumping the queue so grandly, don't you borrow it to go to the palace? Don't you go to the palace to see the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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