My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 678 The coffin seller!

Chapter 678 The coffin seller!

"Oh, I told you that there is no hope, but I still don't believe it. Do you think I was joking with you when I said that I took my head off and kicked it as a ball? Instead of getting entangled here, you might as well go to my place and have a look. My coffin is full of If you buy him a good coffin with the best nanmu, it will be worthy of the kindness your officials treated you when they were alive."

Before Ling Tian could speak, the old man who sold the coffin looked like he was going to steal the business, and the woman was so frightened that her legs gave way, and she knelt down beside her husband.

"I said you don't have a backache when you say sarcastic words, right? If you say that about the patient, will the family members of the patient feel better? No wonder you can only sell coffins if you can't become a doctor. You should save your nanmu for yourself!"

After being insulted by Ling Tian, ​​his face was flushed with anger, and he was about to scold Ling Tian, ​​but he saw Ling Tian took out an alchemy furnace from the space ring.

The man shrank his pupils in fright, and immediately buried himself in the crowd.

"Who else's patients are poisoned? Come here."

Soon, word spread that Ling Tian was an alchemist, preparing to refine antidote elixir and the emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire to fight in the arena.Then a group of family members of the patients who had no money to manage, but were poisoned and were about to die immediately surrounded them gratefully.

There are a total of 25 people, all of whom can be detoxified by a single elixir.

Ling Tian spent a total of 3 points to exchange all the herbs in the space.


With the rise of the pill fire in Ling Tian's hands, everyone's eyes widened.

"Second-grade alchemist!"

"Oh my god! This young master is actually a second-rank alchemist!"

"The most powerful alchemist in the empire is also a second-rank alchemist, right? But this young man is actually a second-rank alchemist."

"The sign he put up said he was fighting in the ring. Who was he fighting in the ring with? With the emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire?"

"I heard people say that he is the senior brother of the Emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire."

"Then why didn't he go to the emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire, instead he fought with his junior brother here? Is there any grudge?"

"No enmity, right? I heard that the Imperial Forest Army didn't let him meet with his junior brother, and didn't report to him. They had to ask him to pay to meet him. He was so angry that he set up the ring here."

"Tsk tsk, these imperial guards are really disgusting. They charge money for everything. I don't think this young man is a bluff. If he is really the emperor's friend, they will be stupid."

"I think they are stupid now. Haven't they dared to collect money?"

"Tch—I dare not accept money now, it's too late!"

With the raging orange flames, the first-grade medicinal materials were quickly dissolved under the calcination of the second-grade pill fire.

Seeing Ling Tian's fingers fluttering, and his quick and skillful alchemy movements, the eyes of all the patients queuing up brightened.

Although they are not alchemists, they can tell that Ling Tian is definitely not a thing in the pool.Because her alchemy speed is really...too fast!

Get out of the way fast.

Others have to refine the elixir for an hour. Because of Ling Tian's 100% standardization of proficiency, technique proficiency, and fire control, the elixir was ready in 10 minutes.

In order to produce more pills in one furnace, Ling Tian's alchemy furnace was more than three times larger than that of ordinary alchemists.

So on weekdays, only 10 pills are produced in one furnace, but here Ling Tian produces 35 pills in one furnace.

An orange pill cloud rose from the alchemy furnace, and after floating into the air, it slowly rippled.

(End of this chapter)

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