Chapter 682

"It seems that the prime minister is not clean, he can take out so many spirit stones at will."

The prime minister was taken aback, and smiled awkwardly: "Your Majesty, I am an upright official! These spirit stones were all earned by my sons and grandchildren."

"The prime minister is really lucky. I don't have so many children and grandchildren who can earn spirit stones."

"Hahaha... Your Majesty, you are still young, and now there are many concubines in the harem, you will definitely have a house full of children and grandchildren."

"That's right! Your Excellency, just wait for the good news!"

"Hahahaha, good good! My minister has been waiting! Then the emperor... Commander Xie here..."

"Okay, but it's just this one chance, not the next one. This time, I spared him for the sake of the prime minister, but if he makes another mistake, then the heavenly king and I will not be able to save him."

"The emperor is wise! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Crowd: ...! ! !
"Okay, the old prime minister doesn't need to be too polite. I'm going to see the alchemist who can refine 35 pills of [-]% purity, is the prime minister going?"

"The emperor allows the subject to go, and the subject will go."

"Of course." After finishing speaking, he looked at the Generalissimo who had already petrified, and asked, "Is Marshal Xia going?"

"Yes... the minister wants!"

The Generalissimo has just returned from the border, and he is not quite used to the way he gets along with Ye Chuchen.Now seeing the relationship between the prime minister and the emperor, the whole person is dumbfounded.

"Your majesty, my concubines also want to go."

Ye Chuchen stretched out her hand, pampered the queen's cheek in public, and said, "Let's go."

"Your Majesty, the courtiers and concubines are going too."

"The concubine also wants to go."

"Go, go! I will take everyone to open your eyes!"

After all, Ye Chuchen said to those petrified commoners: "Everyone, excuse me, I'm going to see that great man. If you still want me to heal your illness, you can wait here, and I will come back when I go." .”

After finishing speaking, he led a group of ministers and concubines to the back in a mighty manner.

Ling Tian's amazing alchemy techniques, as well as a batch of 35 pills, each of which can condense the results of Danyun, made most of the people who really suffered from serious illnesses switch to Ling Tian's side to line up.

Ling Tian stuffed a pill into the mouth of the woman's husband.

The elixir melts in the mouth, melts into the abdomen along the mouth, and ferments in the body instantly.

The powerful medicine made the opponent's chest heave violently, and the sweat instantly drenched his whole body, making him look quite painful.

"Young master, my husband..."



The woman was still talking, but she saw her husband spurting countless black blood from his mouth and nasal cavity, which made the woman scream in fright.

"Help him up, give him Shun Shun Qi, don't let him choke on his own blood."

After hearing Ling Tian's words, the woman immediately helped her husband up and helped him with his back.

Then the man kept coughing up blood as if he didn't want the money.

At first the woman was terrified.

But when I saw the blood coughed up by my husband gradually turn from black to bright red, I felt relieved.

In the end, the man suddenly woke up.Sit cross-legged, close your eyes and practice your inner strength and mind.


Finally, after spitting out the last mouthful of blood, the man's complexion directly changed from black to a normal color, his eyes were clear and heroic.

"Sir!" The woman couldn't hold back her tears.

The man smiled slightly at the woman: "It's been so hard for you for so many years. From now on, leave all the family affairs to me."

(End of this chapter)

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