My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 684 Something that doesn't grow!

Chapter 684 Something that doesn't grow!

This is the joy of reunion!

"I set up a stall at the entrance of the palace, and said that those with difficult and miscellaneous diseases of autocracy, and those whose lives are on the line can jump in line directly. In order to benefit the common people, I also said that my diagnosis and treatment are free clinics, no matter what the disease is, no matter whether you know it or not. If you are cured, you will not be charged a penny. I do this to give those people who are seriously ill but have no money to treat them a chance. But what about you?"

Ye Chuchen looked at Xie Cunliang, who was not good at all, and a group of Yulin soldiers who hid behind the crowd and dared not raise their heads at the moment, and shouted sharply: "I am here to do good deeds, but you are here to drag me down!" , Damage my morality! Even my senior brother came to me, and you dare to openly ask for 100 yellow spirit stones! Hello! You are really nice!
I also said that the treatment these days are all bullshit intractable diseases!As a result, after working for a long time, the cases in my hands have been screened by you layer by layer!I am right at the gate of the palace, and I will guard you. If you dare to do such a thing openly, what if I am not there?You still haven't turned the world upside down? "

"The emperor calm down! The general knows his mistake! From now on, the general will be under strict control, and this situation will never happen again." Xie Cunliang was really depressed to death.

It was hard for him to get his life back, and it cost the prime minister 5 yellow spirit stones.It took less than a cup of tea for a head to settle down, and it hung again.

Ye Chuchen walked up to Xie Cunliang and kicked him.

Although Xie Cunliang's strength is higher than Ye Chuchen's, but facing Ye Chuchen, he dare not use his spiritual power to stop him!

Immediately, he was kicked until he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Ye Chuchen pointed at Xie Cunliang and cursed: "Things that don't grow! The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, do you understand? By the time you strictly control me, I will have been cheated to death by you long ago! People like you are still It’s a shame to be an official! It’s a shame to protect my safety! Could it be that if someone gives you a few more spirit stones, you can rush to my bedroom and kill me?”


"It's not a fart!" Ye Chuchen looked at Xie Cunliang with disgust, and shouted: "Do you see the way these people look at you?"

"Look... I saw it."

"Do you understand what they look like?"

"Anger... angry!"

"Things with no eyesight! Their eyes are eager to kill you!"

"The emperor is mighty!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


For a time, the crowd was furious.

Only now did they know that it was not the emperor who refused to treat them, but that the dog official had taken money from the rich, so he privately detained their cases.That's why the dying patients in their family were not healed.

Ye Chuchen looked at the gloomy Prime Minister, and asked, "Master Prime Minister, I tolerated him for a cup of tea, but he made a mistake again. For the sake of Lord Prime Minister, you should come here to deal with this matter." Make up your mind. If you say let him go, I will let him go. If you say kill him, I will kill him. What do you mean?"

The prime minister was very angry.

Firstly, he felt that Xie Cunliang was something that couldn't support the wall, secondly, he felt sorry for his 5 spirit stones, and thirdly, he felt that the hob meat in front of him was getting more and more difficult to deal with.

In this "general" state, in this emotional state, can he have a second choice?
(End of this chapter)

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