My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 689 When is Xiao Tian'er most beautiful?

Chapter 689 When is Xiao Tian'er most beautiful?
As for himself, he left behind the real patients with intractable diseases who could not be cured by taking second-grade elixir.

"Xiao Chen'er, why do I feel that your integrity is bullish! You are so considerate and gave me the patients who took the elixir."

Ye Chuchen chuckled: "Brother-in-law wants to give me 20 purple spirit stones, and I will soon become Bai Fumei, and follow my husband who is the richest man in Hunyuan mainland to the pinnacle of life, let alone listen to you in the next month. Even if you let me listen to your words for the rest of your life, I am willing too! So Xiaotian, I am willing to let you!"

Well, this is a woman who has money but doesn't have to be moral.Ling Tian was speechless.

"Xiao Chen'er, each of us is in charge of treating 30 people. If we finish all of them, it might be a tie. Well, I still have a patient here. If you can cure her, you will win."

After finishing speaking, he added secretly: "Cure her, and I will reward you with 10 purple spirit stones alone."

Ye Chuchen's eyes widened, and the way she looked at Ling Tian was like looking at a gold ingot.

"Little Tian'er, do you know? Every time you treat money like dung like this and throw it to me wantonly, it is the most beautiful moment in your life!"

( ̄▽ ̄)! !
Feng Yun can no longer use words to evaluate Xiao Tian'er and Ye Chuchen's wonderful way of getting along with each other.

All he wanted to say was that this was the greatest friendship he had ever seen in his life!
With the voice of the chief imperial physician, "The clock starts", the game kicked off.

Ye Chuchen and Ling Tian's diagnosis methods are exactly the same.

They all read and asked about each case one by one, and then marked something on the case.

It took half an hour for the two of them to sort out the cases of their 30 patients.The time is the same.

But after Ye Chuchen took Wang Xiaoyu's pulse, he became restless.Looking at Ling Tian with a fierce look, his eyes were full of speechlessness.

"Little Tian'er, can you cheat even more? You..."

"You don't need to be cured on the spot, but as long as it is cured, you will get 10 purple spirit stones." Ling Tian, ​​who owns the wealth of the entire East Continent, would not feel pain in his back when he took out 10 spirit stones.

And Miss Ye is quite generous.

The original depression and unfriendliness disappeared in an instant after hearing the 10 spirit stones, and the sweet voice whispered: "Little Tian'er, I love the way you look like a local tyrant the most. What a da! Send you a love pa Snapped!"

Ling Tian: "Wow!"

Then, the two stopped talking, and began a big showdown between medical skills and alchemy.

Ye Chuchen is not an alchemist, and cannot condense pill fire, but facing Ye Chuchen, who is known as the supreme ghost doctor, even Ling Tian, ​​who can easily refine [-]% pure elixir, would not dare underestimate.

Ye Chuchen used silver needles in one hand to revive the dead, flesh and bones, and even change the genes of people, tamper with the internal data of the human body, and completely change a person.

For such a BT, Ling Tian definitely put out 12 points of energy, wanting to win her once in Ye Chuchen's domain, and frustrate her pressure.

The 30 people that Ye Chuchen assigned to her were the most curable among the 60 people, and there were always some pathological connections between a few of them.

So this makes alchemy easier.

With 30 people, she has to refine 14 kinds of elixirs in total.

Ling Tian spent more than 30 points in the space system to redeem medicinal materials, and then began to organize and classify them.

(End of this chapter)

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