My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 692 Revenge route balabala

Chapter 692 Revenge route balabala
Ye Chuchen's eyes lit up: "Hey, so you already know! Brother-in-law told you, right? Little Tianer, I've actually already figured out how you should go on your road to revenge.

Although brother-in-law is powerful, his ability is limited after all.So after reuniting with Huahua, we went to rule the Netherworld.In the future, with the power of my brother-in-law and the power of the Netherworld, isn't that stupid Di Qianzhong a scumbag like him, who can be abused by us casually?In this way, the pressure on brother-in-law will not be too great!
Think about it, all the people in the Netherworld are ghosts.Which ghost can't be abused by you in front of you?Although Huahua and I's ghost-hunting skills can't be compared with yours, the three of us learned Taoism anyway.Conquering the Netherworld is a piece of cake! "

Ye Chuchen didn't have the slightest awareness of being exposed by others, and said a lot with eloquence.

Originally, Ling Tian thought that Ye Chuchen was whimsical, but after she said that, Ling Tian felt that at least she could find a way to join forces with the Netherworld.

"How about Xiaotian, how about my proposal? Hehe."

"Stop hey, have you cured Xiao Yu yet?"

Ye Chuchen was taken aback: "Who is Xiao Yu?"

"The one with 10 purple spirit stones."

"Oh, her! I'm not cured yet."

Ling Tian: ...

"I just sealed the water spirit power that was scurrying in her body. Go back to the palace and treat her slowly."

Ling Tian's eyes lit up: "You can really handle it?"

"As for the things on the body, is there anything that I, Xiao Chenzi, can't handle? But Xiao Yu's physical condition is special, so it's impossible to heal it all at once. I can only treat it slowly."

"Then how long will it take for her to recover?"

"That depends on her! If she cultivates fast, then my healing speed will be fast. If her cultivation speed is slow, my healing speed will be slow. Anyway, don't worry, because of those 10 purple spirit stones, she just doesn't have meridians , I can also create artificial meridians for her. Hee hee!"


"After the unanimous diagnosis and appraisal of the Qinglong Empire's imperial physician judging panel, the emperor cured 31 patients within two hours. Uh...what's your surname?"

"She is my senior brother, that is, your senior senior brother, you can just call her senior senior brother." Ye Chuchen said.

"Yes." The chief physician hurriedly said: "The elder brother has cured a total of 30 patients. This time, the emperor wins the competition!"


There was a sudden burst of enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

In fact, no matter whether the emperor won or the senior brother won, the common people are very grateful to them.

The two elegant and peerless gentlemen also won the fans of almost everyone present.

Of course, the two parties were also very happy.

One gained a lot of miracle doctor value through medical skills, and the other gained a lot of karma points by helping the common people.

"Xiao Chen'er, by the way, before you, Master, and Huahua, you spent so much effort researching the system space, didn't you just set it up based on my system space as the prototype?"

"What do you say?"

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

The two looked at the sky at the same time. If Hua Lixiao was there at this time, it would be perfect.

At the moment when Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen looked up at the sky, Hua Lixiao also seemed to sense something, and looked up at the sky.

After the gathered thunders dissipated, the weather was exceptionally clear, and the sky was filled with dazzling stars.

(End of this chapter)

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