My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 715 Flowers on Cow Dung

Chapter 715 Flowers on Cow Dung

If it was an ordinary man, if he met a fierce woman like Ye Chuchen, he would either give her a slap in the face, or poke her away secretly.

But God's creation is fair.When there is a strange flower like Ye Chuchen, there will be another strange flower to match it and overcome it.

At this moment, Yuhun didn't realize at all that his status as an ironclad nail had been deprived of it. Instead, he felt that his wife was good, and she didn't want him at first, but now she wants him.

The simple little world is full of happiness.

He nodded and said: "Well, don't worry, lady, I will behave well! I will be obedient and not make my lady angry."

Ye Chuchen glared at the mentally handicapped man, feeling sour in his heart.

Oh shit.

If you stay with the mentally retarded for a long time, your IQ will drop.

Her brother-in-law is here, but she actually gave up on joining hands with the world's richest man to embark on the prosperous road of Bai Fumei for a mentally retarded person.

Good damn!
Seeing that Ye Chuchen didn't attack him anymore, the jade soul slapped the snake on the stick, hugged Ye Chuchen's arm, and rubbed it on it admiringly.

As long as he can smell the scent of the lady, he likes it very much.

Ye Chuchen pulled it away in disgust: "Oh, go away, go away, I'm not interested in women. Don't get so close to me when you were a woman, I will have a psychological shadow."


Almost as soon as the words were finished, there was a muffled sound, and amidst the white mist, Yuhun changed from a mere lady who was a little taller than Ye Chuchen to a super handsome guy who was as tall as Feng Yun in an instant.

Judging from their appearance, Yuhun and Fengyun belonged to top-quality men who couldn't pick out any flaws.

Feng Yun gave people the impression that there was an aura of looking down on the world in his chilling, and the arrogance that seemed to be the only one in the world gave him an aura of a king that he dare not underestimate.

But Jade Soul is the exact opposite of Feng Yun.As an onmyoji, Ling Tian felt the soul of the jade soul after the jade soul returned to its original appearance.

It was a soul that Ling Tian had never seen before, clean, transparent, spotless, and ethereal.Although he is a powerful Spirit Venerable, he is like an elf that accidentally fell into the world, so clean that people can't bear to pollute him at all.

At this moment, Ling Tian understood why the richest man was in front of him, which made Xiao Chen'er very tempted, but Yuhun was only wronged for a while, so she gave up and persisted for 20 years. She must find someone who is rich, handsome, Short, rich and handsome, and short, rich and ugly choose to marry, but I prefer Yuhun, a person who has nothing.

Although after making the decision, her expression was very constipated, but as disciples of Tongtian Daoist Temple, the three sisters could not resist the kind of person with a pure soul and a pure heart from the bottom of their hearts.

The soul of Jade Soul is precisely the kind of spiritual spring that is as pure as a pond that has not been polluted. This is actually fatal to a girl like Xiao Chen'er.

Although when it comes to Jade Soul, she always swears.

Looking at Jade Soul after becoming a man, and looking at the girl next to Jade Soul with a face full of anger and disgust, Ling Tian felt like a flower stuck in cow dung.

Of course, this pile of cow dung is definitely not a pure jade soul!

"Little Tian'er, what do you mean by your contemptuous eyes?" Ye Chuchen narrowed her eyes slightly, hum, don't think she didn't see it!

(End of this chapter)

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