My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 720 Want me to throw you out?

Chapter 720 Want me to throw you out?

"Shoulder to shoulder? See who is poorer? No need to compare, it must be me."

Ling Tian: "..."

"Report to the emperor, the saint asks to see you."

"What is that bitch doing here?"

Xiao Liuzi: "... I want to report to the emperor, but I don't know. But the saint asked me if you are with your senior brother, so I can guess that the saint wants to see your senior brother."

"Saint? Is that the divine saint you said controlled your four empires?"

"That's right." Ye Chuchen sneered: "Hmph, I've seen her perform well these days, so I didn't bother with this bitch. Since she came to the door today, don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Little Tianer, Brother-in-law, you have been exhausted for such a long time, take a rest first, and come to chat with you after I get rid of that bitch."

Ling Tian: "..." Suddenly, I felt sorry for what happened to the bitch.

The saint Huang Yi walked in from outside the hall gracefully, and when she saw Ye Chuchen, she nodded and called out: "Your Majesty."

Ye Chuchen sat on the front seat in the hall of the main hall, looked at Huang Yi and asked, "What's the matter with the saint coming here?"

"This holy lady is here to inform the emperor that in a month's time, we will leave for the Divine Cult to study for half a year. The emperor will not be able to return to the palace for half a year, so please make preparations in advance. You can bring three more followers , but the strength cannot exceed the second level of the Orange Spirit King, and the age cannot exceed 40 years old. So you can't bring those two powerful guards that the emperor found from no one knows where."


Ye Chuchen was dazed for a while before remembering that the Divine Sect holds a study every three years, and each study lasts for half a year.The place of study is in the divine religion.

"Just go."

Huang Yi was already immune to Ye Chuchen's indifferent look.Seeing that he didn't speak, Huang Yi asked: "Is there nothing the emperor wants to explain to the saint?"

"Confession? Confession of what?"

"Your majesty, I have watched you grow up. I know what you do and learn every day in the palace. You have never been out of the palace since you were a child, let alone studied medicine, but Since you started treating people some time ago, this holy lady really wanted to ask the emperor, where did your medical skills come from?

Also, this saint heard that a person who claimed to be your senior brother came to you today, and your senior brother is actually a second-rank top alchemist, who can practice pills with pill clouds in every furnace.Shouldn't the emperor explain it?

The emperor has such a good resource, why didn't he report it before?Why don't you tell the god religion about your knowledge of medicine?Why don't you introduce your senior brother to the God Cult?Do you know that you are also disrespectful to the religion? "

"Explain? Holy lady, are you right? You have been spying on me all day long, and I haven't settled accounts with you. Now you want me to give you an explanation?

I didn't do anything to destroy the divine religion, who would I worship as my teacher, what kind of friends would I make, it's none of your business? !Don't be shameless, let me tell you.

For the sake of you being a saint, I will spare your life this time. If you don't know how to behave like this again, then don't blame me for slapping your face and not saving you face.roll! "

Saintess: "...!!!"

It was the first time in Huang Yi's life that he encountered such humiliating abuse, and he was stunned.

"If you don't get out, do you still want me to invite someone to throw you out?"


(End of this chapter)

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