My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 727 Local Tyrant, Let's Be Friends!

Chapter 727 Local Tyrant, Let's Be Friends!
Chen Sheng and Chen Ji left a very good impression on Ye Chuchen. Every time she wanted to do something, Anbu and Tianji Pavilion would give her what she wanted in time.

It's so awesome! Is there any wood!
"So you are the leader of Anbu! What a pleasure to meet you!"

Ye Chuchen walked up to Feilong quite familiarly, shaking hands with Feilong, watching Feiyu eagerly.

"Little princess, why did you introduce Feilong instead of me? Isn't my relationship with you much better than Feilong's relationship with you?"

The first time Fei Yu saw Ye Chuchen, he was dazzled by her handsome appearance.

If he could win the heart of the little princess' little sister, wouldn't the Lord be his brother-in-law in the future?

Heh heh heh, let's see if Feilong, Feiyang and Feichen dare to ridicule him in the future.

"Xiao Chen'er, he is Fei Yu."

"Hello handsome boy!"

"Miss Ye, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Fei Yu, a self-acquainted person, stretched out two claws and grabbed Ye Chuchen's little hand.

"Although I know Fei Yu well, I don't know what Fei Yu does. He may be a guard in front of my brother."

"..." Fei Yu was depressed.

"Little princess, is it really okay for you to be like this? We have been together for so long, and you don't even know what I do. It's so sad!"

"You've been together for so long?" Feng Yun narrowed his eyes dangerously, dissatisfied with Fei Yu's words.

Fei Yu was stunned, his face became bitter instantly, and he waved his hands and said, "No, no! Master, you know me! The relationship between me and the little princess is pure!"

Feng Yun snorted coldly: "You still want to be innocent?"

"It's not... Ouch, my lord, I, I, I... I can just stop talking!"

Ye Chuchen let out a chuckle, and couldn't help commenting: "Good two."

Feng Yun and Ling Tian have been together for such a long time, and they already know what "two" means, so he said: "He is the richest man in Hunyuan Continent I told you before, and he is also the leader of Tianji Pavilion. You wanted to know before Chen Ji and Chen Sheng obtained the information from Tianji Pavilion under his command."

After all, he looked at his sister-in-law gloatingly.

After all, if he had to choose, he would definitely rather choose a mentally handicapped person than a person with the second-level illness that Xiao Tianer said.

Ling Tian: "!!!"

Knowing that Feng Yun's four guards of the "Fei" generation are very powerful, but Ling Tian never thought that a person like Fei Yu, who was in the second grade, would be the richest man in the Hunyuan Continent.

It's amazing!

However, Feng Yun obviously underestimated Miss Ye's moral bottom line again.

Ye Chuchen, who originally had a disgusted expression towards Fei Yu a moment ago, when she heard that the person in front of her was the richest man in the Hunyuan Continent who could feed her and set foot on the peak of Bai Fumei, she immediately added One sentence: "But Er De is so handsome, so sexy, and so charming! Such a man who can bend and stretch, and can endure humiliation to be funny, no wonder he can become the richest man in the Hunyuan Continent."

Feng Yun: "..."

Feilong: "...!!"

Ling Tian: Immunized.

Fei Yu laughed loudly, holding Miss Ye Da's hand and refused to let go, feeling like she was about to cry, and it took a long time before she praised: "Bosom friend——!"

"Lord, can we be friends?"

Ye Chuchen smiled innocently, but there were ten thousand grass ccc muddy horses galloping past in his heart.

(Benefits: 6 more chapters will be updated before noon, wait for me. I will take the children to Mongolia tomorrow, and there will be fewer updates. But I will guarantee basic updates after I go out.)
(End of this chapter)

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