Chapter 743

Gu Rui's words finally stopped Hu Ziqi from crying.

Glancing at the people who were not only watching but also pointing at her, Hu Ziqi's lowered gaze seemed to be poisoned.

She stood up and took Gu Rui's hand silently.

Gu Rui, who was originally happy that his mother had listened to his persuasion, turned pale in an instant, and protected his hands with spiritual power.

"Aren't you so good at being a man? Aren't you still helping that bitch to harm me? Then you shout! Shout out loud, let these people laugh at my vicious mother!"

While talking, Hu Ziqi squeezed Gu Rui's hand with all her strength, which soon swelled up.

"Mother, I didn't do it on purpose! Dad said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. She saved my life that day. She didn't ask me to repay the favor, but only asked me not to tell the story."

"Yeah, she's the one who saved you, and I'm the one who wants to kill you. Since you think I'm so annoying and bad, why are you still following me? You follow them!"

"But you are my mother! I don't blame you, really. Ruier wants to be with mother."

Hu Ziqi took Gu Rui like a mouse crossing the street and quickly boarded the flying beast car prepared for them by Chengde, and left the former Marshal's Mansion as quickly as possible.

On the flying beast car, Hu Ziqi's eyes were cold, no longer the kindness of the past, and said coldly:
"Of course you can only stay with me! A bastard like you, do you think you can have a place in the Gu family without my support?"

Originally, Hu Ziqi pinched Gu Rui's little hand so red and swollen that Gu Rui didn't even cry, but at this moment, he cried.

He felt that the youth in front of him was so strange.

"Mother, why do you call me a bitch? Rui'er is your and Daddy's child, even if Daddy has a mother, he will definitely admit Ruier. As long as mother can be good and stop framing mother, One day Daddy will change his mind."


After a loud slap, a redness appeared on Rui'er's pink cheeks.

"Who told you to call her mother?"

Rui'er looked at the hideous woman in front of her in horror, and replied weakly: "Mother...mother, but..."

"What is it? She saved you once and you turned your elbows outward? Since you like her so much, follow her! Go! Go!"

In a rage, the hysterical Hu Ziqi pushed Gu Rui out of the flying beast car.

Gu Rui is just a 5-year-old child, only at the level of a healer, and cannot fly in the sky.After being pushed out by Hu Ziqi, the flying beast car fell straight down.

Chengde, who had been sitting outside the car all the time, was so frightened that his eyes were tearing apart, he swooped down immediately, and took Gu Rui into his arms.

Seeing the redness and swelling on the child's cheeks, and the redness and swelling on the little hands, Chengde almost died of distress.

Angrily rushed into the car, Chengde yelled angrily: "Aunt Hu, I thought you were a kind-hearted woman, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious! Tiger poison doesn't even eat its eggs, you are really... really..."

"Isn't it even worse than a beast?" Hu Ziqi sneered: "Who forced me to do this? If it weren't for you and Cheng En being useless, if you weren't wasting time, you could have Hua Liming and that night The man in black caught her at the same time. When she is here, the man in black and Rui'er will be there, even if she has a thousand Taoist talismans, she will be convicted of the crime! It's all your fault, trash!"

(End of this chapter)

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