My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 747 Completely Abandoned

Chapter 747 Completely Abandoned

"Your biological father loves you very much and wants to see you born. But he sacrificed himself to protect his father back then. His last wish before his sacrifice was that he would take good care of you and keep you safe and healthy , Grow up happily.

Your father is a good man with a chivalrous heart, he treats his friends with all sincerity, and is a good man for his brothers. If it is not because of me, your father will not sacrifice, and you will not become a child who has no father before birth.

So although I am not your biological father, I regard you as my biological son.Because I am living in place of your father, so I will give you all his love and concern for you.Do you understand? "

Seeing that Gu Rui was still sad and seemed to understand, Gu Qianchou continued: "You are Daddy's son, and you will be Daddy's most beloved son all your life."

The tears that Gu Rui had just absorbed poured out again, his mouth shrunk, and he stretched out a pair of fleshy hands to wrap around Gu Qianchou's neck, crying again.

Gu Qianchou patted Gu Rui's shoulder, looked at Hua Lixiao and said, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, before Hu Ziqi could react, Gu Qianchou had already taken Gu Rui and Hua Lixiao, and disappeared into the clouds like a shooting star.

"Don't...don't! Qianqiu, you can't leave me, you can't take Rui'er away, that's my child Qianqiu, how can you be so cruel? How can you take my child away? That's me The only child——!"

Hu Ziqi cried to the sky, completely unbelievable that Gu Qianchou never said a word to him from the beginning to the time he left.

At this moment, a certain fortress in Hu Ziqi's heart suddenly collapsed.

Over the years, because Gu Qianchou owed her husband his life, he has always been kind to her and Gu Rui.So she never thought that he would really abandon her one day.

But at this moment, she really felt abandoned.

Looking at Cheng En who hadn't left with Gu Qianchou, Hu Ziqi grabbed his arm and begged, "Cheng En, take me to chase Qianchou quickly, I must explain to him."

Looking at the grasped arm, Cheng En shook off her hand in disgust.

"Aunt Hu, sometimes people are looking at the sky, so you can't go too far! You framed me and Chengde, we admit it, after all, we are stupid and we can't blame others. But you think everyone in this world is Can a fool be at your mercy?
When you are going crazy and hurting the young master, while you are planning to return to the master, planning to frame and get rid of the wife, but at the same time begging for mercy to the master's wife, can't you be considerate of how disgusting others will be when they see you? "

After finishing speaking, Cheng En stuffed a Taoist talisman into Hu Ziqi's palm, and said, "The lord said that what he owed was your husband's kindness back then, and he only promised that your husband would take good care of you and Rui'er." .Now, he will bring up Rui'er by himself. As for you, you originally had no spiritual power and only had a lifespan of a hundred years. It's the best of benevolence.

From now on, the Lord has nothing to do with you.But don't worry, the Lord will still take care of your safety, but only within the normal range.If your degree of death exceeds Chengde's acceptable range, then you will bear all the consequences at your own risk. "

(End of this chapter)

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