My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 752 To make trouble

Chapter 752 To make trouble
Unexpectedly, he saw that the man was retching and retching at the moment.


"Go, go, go! What the hell are you doing here? Get out of here! You have the guts to disgust our son when you grow up like this!"

The four disciples felt that they were extremely wronged.

Oh shit.

Who told you to take a fancy to our clothes and pants?

However, all the powers at the Linghuang level had already spoken, and the four of them didn't want to be depressed and entangled in these trivial matters, so they ran away as if they were being pardoned.

The remaining group of drinkers who said that Ling Tian didn't know how to flatter them all lowered their heads at this moment, minimized their sense of presence, fearing that they would be wiped out, and then quietly paid the bill and left.

"Thank you."

Although Ling Tian is not afraid of these scumbags of the god religion at all, she will never be stingy with her gratitude and kindness to those who have helped her.

The man in red continued to stand there retching and rolling his eyes.

The two guards behind him quickly stepped forward to take out a sachet for him to smell, and the other quickly used spiritual power to give him comfort.

Ling Tian: "..."

After a long time, the man finally calmed down.He opened his mouth and yelled: "Mom's mental retardation, don't let me touch you again! Otherwise, I will beat you once every time I see you! A bunch of dirty and smelly soil turtles!"

After scolding, he looked at Ling Tian and smiled at her. The enchanting charm made even a woman like Ling Tian feel dazzled.

"Little brother, you're welcome. Draw your sword to help when you see injustice! By the way, are you also planning to go to the God Sect to apply for a disciple?"

Ling Tian nodded and asked, "You too?"


After all, the man in red sat with his legs crossed beside Ling Tian, ​​and even reached out to grab Ling Tian's shoulder.

Seeing this, Feilong quickly reached out to stop him.

Seeing Feilong make a move, the two guards behind the man in red immediately stepped forward to stop Feilong.

However, their cyan spiritual power was directly bounced away by the flying dragon.

At the same time, the hand of the man in red was also ejected.

Looking at his future wife's shoulder that had not been touched by anyone, Feilong let out a deep breath in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't come across it. If he did, he would be in bad luck.

The guards behind the man in red were repulsed and looked at the flying dragon in shock.However, Feilong looked at his nose and heart, pretending not to see them.

The man in red smiled indifferently, and didn't reach out to touch Ling Tian again.

"My name is Yueyao, what's your name?"

"Hu Ge." Ling Tian directly reported the name he had already thought up.

"Since we're all in the same sect, can I call you Xiaoge from now on?"


"When are you going to sign up?"

"Go after dinner."

"Then let's eat together."

After all, Yueyao asked Xiao Er to serve the dishes again, and had dinner with Ling Tian.

"Xiaoge, where are you from?"

"The Azure Dragon Empire. What about you?"

"I'm from the interior of Beizhou."

"Even the guards like you are masters at the Linghuang level, at least they all come from second-rate and above forces. Why do you want to study in a place like God's Cult?"

It's not that she is ignorant and prying into other people's privacy.But Yueyao didn't intend to hide his strength at all.

The four God Cult disciples had seen clearly the strength of his guards just now, and when he signed up, the God Cult leader would know right away.

"Study?" Yueyao sneered: "Who would come to such a place to study? I'm just here to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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